I haven't made a personal post in a while, so I thought maybe I should? I'm doing okay! I am so behind with fb you guys wouldn't imagine :/ I'm sorry! I've read some wonderful stories lately and I have yet to gush about them! though I feel like I should tell you to go gush on
Midnight Sun which is everything h/c ought to be!! I love it so! <3
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I think it's probably wise for you to avoid going to Arizona. Even though of course you would be there legally, I'm afraid you would get harassed by police. The mayor of San Francisco has banned all travel to Arizona by city workers! Go San Francisco! My cousin and John (my Bruce Wayne friend-with-benefits) both live in Arizona, but I won't go visit them until the stupid law is repealed. I refuse to give Arizona my money! Economic sanctions FTW! Of course, if going to the University of Arizona is really important to you, I don't want to say you should give up on your dreams... It's a hard choice >_<
I'm not saying that didn't matter, just, you know, it was 3 deaths against the 4000 we have had this year, and everyone turned to look at us like we're somehow responsible for not looking after the borderline.
While I agree that people only freaking out when Americans are killed is horribly racist and nationalistic, the one good thing about it is that people in the US are now much more aware of what's going in Chihuahua. Before I came to visit you, I had no idea any of it was going on. When I got home, I purposefully sought out information to keep myself informed. Now, the general public has been made aware. I can only hope that means that the US will helping out more. I mean, if people in Mexico think that will help. I don't want to sound all Imperialistic. I worry about you. *hugs again*
I'm glad you had a good time Guadalajara and I'm really excited about the trip to Dallas too! I'll send out another email to you and Christine soon so we can hammer out the details. I hope we get to talk this weekend!
I think I'm going to wait to see how the whole migration debacle goes. I'm staying out of Arizona for the time being because I think it's a ridiculous political move. Here's hoping other states don't go for it as well. I would love to study a master on landscape, but if it's not there, then it's not there! no big deal, you know? There's a program I like in California as well, which seems harder to get into and more expensive, but eh, nothing's impossible :)
I hope things begin to change for the better here, violence-wise. A lot of petty crime has come up under the blanket of cartel crime, so it's really hard for businesses, which are already having economic problems as it is. We just need to get in the same page, the US and Mexico! if Marihuana is being legalized or sold as medicine in some places in the US, then we gotta stop fighting it and start legalizing it! it's of no use! We gotta work together in this, like, really tightly together, not just hope one side will do their part -we can't just expect the US to stop the black market of guns if we can't stop the guns from coming into the country, and the other way around, with drugs. Teamwork! I know we'll make it...
I have already bought my tickets for Dallas! yay!! so exciteddd X) X)
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