
Jul 19, 2009 20:24

I've been having computer problems that have culminated in getting a new computer this weekend, I'm sorry I haven't been around! I have suck quite a lot in the LJ department this past month. In the meantime, I went to Ohio to visit vigilante_wake and meet up with taro_twist and adventures were had! I've had a good summer so far, I'm freelancing a bit and doing my usual ( Read more... )


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Comments 11

skund July 20 2009, 06:09:04 UTC
Yay, memes!

I've never really looking into the psychology behind the Gothic genre. I really liked how you descibed it. The "the power of submission and the release of dominance" really grabbed me.

I totally agree that Selina should have her baby back (or that she never left in the first place). I totally loved seeing daddy Batman, and the ending of that arc was pretty cheap. Also, seeing Damian go into conniptions would be hilarious.

Hurray for INTJs! We make good fangirls. And sewing people. And scientists. :)


arch_schatten July 21 2009, 01:19:26 UTC
I had never looked into Gothic psychology either! despite the fact that Gothic opened many doors for me as a counterculture scene, the rationale behind the genre had eluded me! I mean, you know a lot of things intuitively, I guess, but turns out there is academia about it that can make it clearer! But the Dominance and Submission themes are very interesting, especially because I think they permeate all of society. I know most people wouldn't self identify as doms or subs, but we all play those roles on occasion! I've seen a lot be said about the power of submission, so I am more attracted to the release of dominance, how... you know, when you accept the role as the dominant party, you can take control without fear of social transgression or being oppressive. Being that I am a control freak, I can relate to the release of dominance ( ... )


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arch_schatten July 21 2009, 00:28:38 UTC
Yay! Words! hrm.. let's see... Bucky, Star Trek, feminism, Helena Kyle *is shameless*, Roy Harper :D

I love that thing about B/C, how both the things that work and the things that don't work between them makes them *better* when they are together. They really try a lot. It makes me happy to see how their relationship does have a natural feeling to it -they do have a lot of chemistry!- but they know chemistry alone won't make it work, so when they are together, they *work* for it. The first Hush arc might have been pretty terrible, but the B/C made me oh so happy :3

I love your icon and I miss Helena too!! D: I need to post Helena fic..


mithen July 21 2009, 03:50:35 UTC
The reversals are very appealing to me, as I tend to really like the things that cross boundaries and reverse cliches and what not. Life is rarely clean cut, and Gothic literature and fiction is so messy and mixes so many things, evoking forces beyond mankind and making man sort of an.. accessory of the situation, instead of the central point

Oooh, I like the way you put this! It is, in some ways, a genre that de-emphasizes human agency a lot. On the other hand, back to the submission thing, humans control their own reactions to things, and even if that's the only agency we have it's an amazing power!

He's a man who's gone through a lot due to forces beyond his control, he himself is struggling to control the Demon -I think we all can relate to that? I do feel like I have Etrigan just waiting to replace me sometimes- and he is very.. dramatic, but not in an emo or drama queen way.Jekyll and Hyde! (I just recently finished that part of the Gothic book and have never seen Hyde as homosexual urges, but makes a lot of sense ( ... )


arch_schatten July 21 2009, 05:51:08 UTC
On the other hand, back to the submission thing, humans control their own reactions to things, and even if that's the only agency we have it's an amazing power!You are right, of course! that is the power of submission! I really liked that chapter, how in gothic strength is punished almost as a.. sort of disrespectful quality, because the strong character will not bend to nature. And yet, that is what makes a gothic hero that won't bend so interesting, and why it feels to me that Gotham and Bruce (and other heroes in Gotham, really) have this sort of strange romance with the city. She takes notice of them because they won't break, but if they were to break she would loose an important living part of herself.. so.. the way they don't break but let the city guide them is rather.. strange and loving. Tying it back to your meme, I guess you can pair Batman with pretty much any hero as long as there is a passion and intensity, but... well, to be honest I don't think most heroes are canonically that committed.. not because they are half ( ... )


starsandsea July 21 2009, 18:05:28 UTC
Whee, I love your thoughts on Gothic stuff, and on Gothic heroes! :D

Batman is awesome!!!! Yes.

Jason! I love his relationship with Bruce, hee! I hadn't thought about the Demon representing the demons inside ourselves that we struggle to control - yes, I'm dumb, lol - but now that you've said it, it makes perfect sense. *hugs*

I so want Helina to come back! BatClan babysitting = win

I'm really glad you've found other people who feel like you do! That really is a blessing. :)


arch_schatten July 22 2009, 16:05:19 UTC
Batman is awesomeeee!! :D :D :D

Gothic heroes and narrative is very fun! I enjoyed the book on it a lot, though it was strange, seeing the things I liked explained and seeing that I had never really thought about what lied beyond them.

I love Jason and Bruce together! I think what tickles me the most is that most people in the hero community don't get along with Jason or Etrigan and Bruce is all chummy (for Bruce, that is :P) They are fun when they are together :3

Helenaaa! I liked mom!Selina so much, I want baby Helena back! rarrr!

The INTJ comm is a lot of fun! I shift a lot between INTJ and INFJ (odd, I know!) but just seeing that a lot of my 'odd' behavior is not odd so much as part of a smaller group of normal behavior makes me feel a lot better. Do you know what your type is, Star? I don't think I've ever asked you!


starsandsea July 22 2009, 18:23:37 UTC
I love Jason and Bruce together! I think what tickles me the most is that most people in the hero community don't get along with Jason or Etrigan and Bruce is all chummy (for Bruce, that is :P) They are fun when they are together :3

I know!! It's so fun, isn't it? Because no one else gets along with Jason - or at least, not really - but he Bruce do! Hee! *glomps them*

The INTJ comm is a lot of fun! I shift a lot between INTJ and INFJ (odd, I know!) but just seeing that a lot of my 'odd' behavior is not odd so much as part of a smaller group of normal behavior makes me feel a lot better. Do you know what your type is, Star? I don't think I've ever asked you!

I can image that is is so great to know that you are normal after all, lol, with things that other people just can't understand. *glomps* I am, I believe, a ISTJ! But I actually kinda find that the Enneagram of Personality thing is more accurate for me - at least, the way I think of myself, lol - in which I am a Five. I think it's kinda similar? LOL. *glomps again*


rocaw August 7 2009, 17:33:22 UTC
I don't want them to like, marry -not really.. their thing, I don't think- but I soooo want them to move in together or just.. go steady or something 'cause. 'Cause. Urgggg they are so awesome together dannnggg

*flails* THIS!!! Yes!! This so much!! *sighs* Why can't DC just give us what we want? Whyyyy??

Mafia Wars!!! For me it's Mobsters! It is addicting, man! I just opened a facebook account like a month ago and received an invite to sorority life of all places and one thing led to another and and man I was hooked! I couldn't sleep if I didn't bank my money! LOL! I kept thinking, someone with a bigger mob is going to a fight me and take all my money! Noooo! I tried playing MW, but my old browser keeps freezing when I do. Boo. *is tempted to go click, click right now*


arch_schatten August 10 2009, 20:39:40 UTC
Aughh I knooowwww whyyyy???!?!?!? I just want my batxcat to have fun and be happy and have fights and be silly and kick ass and be in love whyyyy can't DC indulge me just this once?? who ELSE is better for them? who better than Bruce to Selina, who better than Selina for Bruce?? (I mean, I love my S/B, but I know that's.. not going to happen, and then, I kind of don't need it to happen? not like I need BatxCat, lol) WHY OH MAN DO THEY KEEP TAUNTING ME??

LOL, I was so addicted to Mafia Wars! I am thankfully off it now, as it was taking progressively more time off my day! it started with just a few minutes.. and then.. it was over an hour of mafia playing a day! and staying up late to level up! nooo! so.. I quit! it is hard to quit such things..


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