
Jul 19, 2009 20:24

I've been having computer problems that have culminated in getting a new computer this weekend, I'm sorry I haven't been around! I have suck quite a lot in the LJ department this past month. In the meantime, I went to Ohio to visit vigilante_wake and meet up with taro_twist and adventures were had! I've had a good summer so far, I'm freelancing a bit and doing my usual ( Read more... )


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arch_schatten July 21 2009, 05:51:08 UTC
On the other hand, back to the submission thing, humans control their own reactions to things, and even if that's the only agency we have it's an amazing power!

You are right, of course! that is the power of submission! I really liked that chapter, how in gothic strength is punished almost as a.. sort of disrespectful quality, because the strong character will not bend to nature. And yet, that is what makes a gothic hero that won't bend so interesting, and why it feels to me that Gotham and Bruce (and other heroes in Gotham, really) have this sort of strange romance with the city. She takes notice of them because they won't break, but if they were to break she would loose an important living part of herself.. so.. the way they don't break but let the city guide them is rather.. strange and loving. Tying it back to your meme, I guess you can pair Batman with pretty much any hero as long as there is a passion and intensity, but... well, to be honest I don't think most heroes are canonically that committed.. not because they are half heroes or anything, just... perhaps Bruce doesn't really need to make so many sacrifices to get his job done, he could probably get away with less, but he is really zealous about the Mission, and I can see why it could not be a desirable thing, but I admire that zealousness. One thing is to be willing to die for the cause but.. giving your life to the cause, not just as your death.. I don't think that's something all heroes share. It probably won't earn me any friends but I think only the first gen heroes understand what the sacrifice really is, because the second gen is standing on the shoulders of giants. I think that's one of the reasons why cross gen doesn't work for me -Bruce/any Titan or Robin or whatever, or Clark/Titan or.. just, Hal/Roy, anything like that, besides the feeling of weirdness it gives me (that's your son's friendss you are grossss), it's like.. an experience gap and a different kind of maturity. Not because they aren't mature! but it's the same reason why I can't see, say, Jay Garrick or Alan Scott or, hell, even Ted Grant, interested in the next gen. Shoulders of giants! it doesn't.. quite seem like an equals relationship to me. I can pair Batman around as long as it's with the same 'step' of heroes, like.. lateral pairings! But then, that's just me!

Jekyll and Hyde and Jason and Etrigan! lol, I had seen some elaborations on the Jekyll and Hyde and the sexual urges being transformed into a monster makes a lot of sense for the time! isn't it strange, how once we're past the cultural moment the once-clear meaning is lost? I guess that's why it's a classic that survived it's time, though...

I would love to see more of your thoughts of character's personality type! I like how complicated it can get, the I and E function and the T and F and the J and P... and.. yeah, all of them! yet they aren't perfect balances (I don't know if that's even possible!) because they have such distinct personalities, and some get along and some just.. DON'T. I like the 'DO NOT WANT' relationships some characters have! it makes them.. more real to me.

This was a crazy long comment! I owe you maaaailll!


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