
Jul 19, 2009 20:24

I've been having computer problems that have culminated in getting a new computer this weekend, I'm sorry I haven't been around! I have suck quite a lot in the LJ department this past month. In the meantime, I went to Ohio to visit vigilante_wake and meet up with taro_twist and adventures were had! I've had a good summer so far, I'm freelancing a bit and doing my usual sewing and stuff. I've also written a bit! I should post that later.. but first, I'm going to answer mithen's meme... right.. about.. now.

Reply to this meme by yelling "Words!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Then post them in your LJ and explain what they mean to you.

She gave me..

Gothic: Well.. I've always liked old school horror books and movies, and then, you know, there's Stephen King and Batman. I wouldn't call either of them necessarily gothic all the time, BUT -and I guess this is why Jen asked?- I recently was reading a book on Gothic and what its characteristics have been through the past four hundred years, and there were a lot of traits to the genre that apply very tightly to a lot of the things I like... like, erm, Batman. The Gothic hero is very attractive for me because s/he fights against nature and her/his surroundings, and the genre is very dramatic, and, as the author of the book mentions, when it's done well it's not a sort of soap opera drama, but the drama of facing forces beyond your ken, like fate or nature of chaos. Even the family drama isn't just about family shenanigans, but fate and nature play a big part. And there's a lot of power play, the power of submission and the release of dominance, two things that at first don't look like they should make sense, are a big part of gothic as a genre. The reversals are very appealing to me, as I tend to really like the things that cross boundaries and reverse cliches and what not. Life is rarely clean cut, and Gothic literature and fiction is so messy and mixes so many things, evoking forces beyond mankind and making man sort of an.. accessory of the situation, instead of the central point, so I feel somewhat related to the narrative, given the way I approach life is very heavy on the backstaging and observation.

I guess I should also add I used to adhere to the gothic scene when I was younger, and I still think I have that as a sort of background in my mind, so.. I'm not goth-looking anymore, but I feel like a lead a very gothic influenced life.

Jason Blood: LOL! speaking of Gothic... I think that pretty much sums up what I like about Jason. He's a man who's gone through a lot due to forces beyond his control, he himself is struggling to control the Demon -I think we all can relate to that? I do feel like I have Etrigan just waiting to replace me sometimes- and he is very.. dramatic, but not in an emo or drama queen way. He's just so.. intense! and he's been around the block for 1500 years! I like my immortals, I really do. I love the weird relationship he has with Batman, but mostly I love his relationship with Gotham and the characters that populate Gotham, being as it is how much of a character herself the city is. He just.. adds more spice to the city. And he's a snarky dry-witted redhead who hangs with Batman being sexy and magical. I am so shallow.

Batman/Catwoman: (Oii, everything is about Batman with me, isn't it? I LOVE YOU BATMAN!) Well, Batman/Catwoman and Bruce/Selina is totally my canon OTP. As in, I am constantly waiting for them to hook up for good and then people come and break them apart and I go nooooooo whyyyyy DAMN THIS FOREVER. I don't want them to like, marry -not really.. their thing, I don't think- but I soooo want them to move in together or just.. go steady or something 'cause. 'Cause. Urgggg they are so awesome together dannnggg, lol. Well, for one thing I love Selina. I love her independence, I love her power, I love that she has principles and causes and she has friends and family and lovers, and I love how self assured she is. She's my power fantasy for sure. And I love the relationship she has with Bruce/Batman, they way they work together and the ways they don't work together, I think it makes their relationship very interesting and believable for me. I love that they keep it 'friendly' (in Gotham terms, at least) even when they aren't together, and how protective they are of each other. I read Cat-Tales religiously for quite a long while, but I have to admit I stopped because it hurts to know that it's not canon. It's like when I get pissy at bad Superman/Batman canon stories. IT COULD BE SO GOOD WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO STUPID AUGHH WHY.

I also totally want Helena to come back and Damian to be all 'nooo!!' and then taking to her and being sort of her protector and just randomly have the baby back into their lives, because mommy Selina is AWESOME and because babysitting Batfamily makes me happy :)

Mafia Wars: Nooo, Jen!! my guilty pleasure! dang... erm. Well. Mafia Wars is a game I play obsessively in facebook 'cause, erm, I have no sense of irony? apparently? It's a game about setting up a mafia and committing crimes and making yourself a name as a crime boss. I have tried to explain this before, and it's not so much the game, really, as it is how it pleasures my OCD so damn much. I make click click click and I put collections together and loot items that I need to do further jobs that will give me more collection items and it just.. it's like scratching your ear with a cutip. I got that reference from Joey Comeau! but yeah, it touched a part of yourself no one else does and it just awesome, even if it's not the smartest thing to do.

INTJ: That's my personality type! I am so so happy to have found out a)such thing existed b)all the information about it and c)communities and forums where I can see like-typed people. It makes me feel less like a freak. Turns out what people think is super odd in me is something that I share with my other INTJs! like... dropping social interaction not as a social punishment but because it doesn't keep me entertained. I have discovered where some of my problems with other people grow from, and I have done my best to understand that the people who rub me off wrong aren't stupid, they just process life in a different way. I tend to be very quick in my assessment of people's stupidity and writing them off after a couple of minutes as people I can forget. That.. causes me problems. I am working on being less judgmental, even if I know it's something I'll always do, at least in the sense of accepting the results of my judgments not as a Undesirable Wrong but as something that is natural -both that I make them and that people will most likely be found lacking, because they won't present themselves in the way I find optimal. Such is life! so little is optimal! and anyway, everything is relative! things that people find so terrible about me others will not, and things I can't believe work for other people clearly do. I live in a family of introverts, though, for which I'm thankful, in which at least three of them are Thinkers. So, mostly we get along! and I collect *NF* :) they are my favorite people, if such a 'type' cliche exists, most of my favorite people turned out to be *NF*s :P


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