Red Ascent (Sequel to Red Fall): 55-62/62 (Complete!!)

Aug 26, 2009 00:53

It was so clear to him now.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at this too tardy realization, this epitome that had graced him now, of all times.

Alfred was many things.

He was a doll; a pretty trophy meant to sit quietly in his place.

He was a toy; fun to break, but even more enjoyable to mend, kissing away the bruises with poison-laced lips, endearments ( Read more... )

america, hetalia, axis, russia, red, powers, ascent

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Comments 30

I'm sad to no longer have a reason to call myself info!anon :( tanya_tsuki August 26 2009, 05:34:46 UTC
Let's see if I can leave a proper response this time ( ... )


*wibbles* ;~; apostlegirl August 26 2009, 22:20:55 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much. ~<3333

I'm happy to say that because of these stories, I am going to keep writing; I never expected since a great response, or all the love that these fics have gotten. I know that the characters are not my own, but the responses I've gotten (at least in the way I read them) tell me that even though that may be the case, the readers might read something else that I worte that was unrelated.

That means--practically everything! XD I almost feel like a real author, haha. X3

So, thank you! After all, you've given me a lot of that support/critcism/response that I needed~ <3


OP! may_chan August 26 2009, 10:13:32 UTC
omg you have no idea how much this makes me sad and happy at the same time! I've read the last update on my ipod touch since I was mostly out today but omg I'm glad I did! It was hard to read it peacefully so I read it 3 times! Gosh its so ... sad D: but the ending is so hopeful! And I do feel bad for Ivan since I have grown to really love him for his mink fuckery games. And his sisters, like woah such a tragedy for these siblings.... but I really love what you did with Latvia. I did not expect that at all. Its like he's a miracle worker! *o* and second chances are like the best thing evar~

Gah, I'm at a loss for words now. Like I dunno how thrilled and happy to get such an awesome fill ;;-;; Dunno how I could really thank you for this epic piece! So I hope I can do some justice on the comic!


Re: OP! apostlegirl August 26 2009, 22:09:08 UTC
OMG Comic~ <3 The thought of having a comic about something I worte is absolutely mind-blowing to me. XD LOL.

Anyway, thank you for your lovely words~ :) After all, you provided the prompt; I just filled in the words. :3 But I'm really psyched you enjoyed it!

And, yes, Latvia and second chances FTW. X3


NYC!Anon Here sppandaaa August 26 2009, 22:36:53 UTC
You did an amazing job with this fill. I seriously read it since around the time you started Red Fall. I was obviously a lazy anon for a very long time. But anyway, I was so happy when I saw you would continue the story and make a sequel since I am such a sucker for a happy ending.

Even if the ending wasn't my USxUK OTP, it was still a happy ending of happiness and I enjoyed it so much. It left me with a sense of hope.

You have no idea how much I really enjoyed this fill. It is definitely one of my favorites on the kink. I looked forward to every day that you said you would update so badly. I would fangirl with my friends over this fill. This fill even made me start shipping Russia and America. I couldn't really see the pairing before this fill, but this fill was so awesome I just needed to start shipping Cold War.

You have written a wonderful thing. And I am hoping that you'll continue to write and fill 'cuz you are like absolutely amazing~


Re: NYC!Anon Here apostlegirl August 30 2009, 20:08:17 UTC
Thank you~ <3 I'm absolutely floored you enjoyed it! :3 I will continue to write, even if I have to strap myself to the chair. XD I just get so caught up in things, I sometimes don't write as much as I should. But I'm going to change that~ <3 And anything else for Hetalia that I write, I'll be sure to post here.


sqrmoon August 26 2009, 22:45:26 UTC



because ellipses are the only compliments my mind can muster right now.

You better write another fic or I swear I'll have Ivan's poor ghost haunt you!!



apostlegirl August 30 2009, 20:08:59 UTC
Kyah! Ivan's ghost! :o *cowers*

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed. :3


mcmitters August 26 2009, 23:44:31 UTC
D: This... This was amazing. I'm serious, I think this has to be the best Hetalia fanfiction I've read as to date. I loved the characterizations, the lavish descriptions, the dialogue- everything! *claps* I've been reading this for a while; lurker habits just prevent me from commenting, but I this is worth the comment. I'm probably the pickiest reader around, I rarely ever like stuff, but this... I loved it, I hope you continue to write, because you really do have a gift. >w<

This was so awesome I think I'm going to not do my statistics homework and draw some fanart for this instead...


apostlegirl August 30 2009, 20:11:45 UTC
Art~~~ <33333

*cough* Sorry; that happens everytime someone mentions art. ^^;

And thank you for you amazing praise! ^////^ I'm not sure about the 'best' ever written, or anything; I'm just glad people like my work. :3

And glad I could provide a reason not to do HW! XD


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