Red Ascent (Sequel to Red Fall): 55-62/62 (Complete!!)

Aug 26, 2009 00:53

It was so clear to him now.

He couldn’t help but chuckle at this too tardy realization, this epitome that had graced him now, of all times.

Alfred was many things.

He was a doll; a pretty trophy meant to sit quietly in his place.

He was a toy; fun to break, but even more enjoyable to mend, kissing away the bruises with poison-laced lips, endearments ( Read more... )

america, hetalia, axis, russia, red, powers, ascent

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I'm sad to no longer have a reason to call myself info!anon :( tanya_tsuki August 26 2009, 05:34:46 UTC
Let's see if I can leave a proper response this time...

I am so glad you decided to make a sequel to Red Fall. I read that fic and had such high hopes for a happy ending, and though I quickly realized one wasn't coming, I couldn't stop reading. The fact that you were willing to write a sequel made me so happy, because once again, there was a chance for a happy ending. I'm such a sucker for happy endings...and while this wasn't completely happy, it was bittersweet.

I had so much fun reading this, surprisingly enough. You kept me on the edge of my seat. I cursed you for every cliffhanger. I cried multiple times. I formulated so many guesses and theories as to what would come next, and while I did get a few, there were quite a few surprises thrown in. For instance...Latvia. I was not expecting him having sacrificed himself to save his brothers. I was not accepting him to have a cameo a la Dumbledore in the last Harry Potter book. I wasn't expecting him at the very end...and I think those last few lines are what made me bawl the most.

You are an amazing writer. You really, truly are. You have a talent for weaving tales, and I would love to see more from you. I hope that you'll be willing to share whatever writing you may do, because I would love to see how it grows and improves since it's already so wonderful.

It's been a lot of fun reading Red Fall and Red Ascent. Thank you so much, and I hope this isn't the last we'll hear from you.


*wibbles* ;~; apostlegirl August 26 2009, 22:20:55 UTC
I'm so glad you enjoyed it so much. ~<3333

I'm happy to say that because of these stories, I am going to keep writing; I never expected since a great response, or all the love that these fics have gotten. I know that the characters are not my own, but the responses I've gotten (at least in the way I read them) tell me that even though that may be the case, the readers might read something else that I worte that was unrelated.

That means--practically everything! XD I almost feel like a real author, haha. X3

So, thank you! After all, you've given me a lot of that support/critcism/response that I needed~ <3


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