Title: "рождественский хор/Christmas Choir"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: After
English version, the
Baltic version, the
German version and the
Italian version here there's the Japanese version. And yes, I know I'm late for Russian Christmas. Couldn't do it any faster.
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
Summary: ChibiBelarus, ChibiRussia, ChibiUkraine and ChibiMoldova sing for you Christmas songs.
Day version done for Christmas day.
Extra note:
Sorry, Moldova, maybe you wanted to be with Romania but Himaruya-san hadn't drawn him/her yet and so you got added into the Russian chorus because I had no idea of where else to place you...