Title: "Radio 039: Ask Italy - Ep.1 - Part 1"
Author: J.J.
Warning: I might have failed in portraying correctly the regions involved. If that's the case just tell me. Those were done out of love for the Italian regions, not with the intent to offend someone.
Notes: Recently I really need to draw which is why this long strip managed to have birth... It's nowhere near to the APH standards but well, I'm not Himaruya-san...
Characters: Italy Veneziano (Feliciano Vargas) & Italy Romano (Lovino Vargas) with the intrusion, idrance, help of Seborga (?), Campania (Antonio Vargas), Lombardia (Alberto Vargas), Veneto (Mario Vargas), Emilia (Gino Vargas), Sicilia (Rosalia Vargas), Lazio (Lucio Vargas), Alto Adige (Carolina Vargas), Mafia (Salvatore Martura), Toscana (Dante Vargas), Calabria (Tommaso Vargas)
Time: 2012.
Disclaimer: "Axis Powers Hetalia" belongs to Himaruya Hidekaz.
Hey, do I own something here? Oh yes, I own the plot and a sensible heart which would surely break if you give me harsh reviews... so please be honest but nice ok? Oh and the representation of the Italian regions are mine as well
Summary: The Italies handle a radio program in which they answers to questions about themselves...
Listen the song (the lyrics are after the video) and read the notes about this episode or
continue with the transmission Click to view
O bella bionda (Oh pretty blond girl) (1996) by Fabio Concato
I'm sitting on a bench,
I'm stopped here to wait.
There is a little blonde girl who's traveling on the train
and when she'll arrives she'll make me sweat.
I'm mirroring behind a showcase
I look like a god.
But look what a beautiful large forehead;
whose is it? but certainly that's mine.
But tell me when will you get here?
I am so nervous and this train is never arriving.
Who knows which face will you make
you never saw me so happy and so clumsy.
I'm waiting for you, I'm so nervous;
how will you be dressed?
you're so pretty, how beautiful is life
for me as I'm so much in love.
I sit down and I get up and I do not know what to do anymore
I feel like singing
oh oh oh beautiful blonde
what did you do to this man who didn't know
he knew how to love.
But tell me when will you get here?
I am so nervous and this train is never arriving.
Who knows which face will you make
you never saw me so happy and so clumsy.
My love, when you'll get here, I'll sing you a song
it's new and surely you do not know it
Who knows which face will you make?
I wrote it now inside this station,
it doesn't have lyrics yet and more or less it sounds like this?
I'm sitting on a bench
I'm stopped here to wait.
There is a little blonde girl who's traveling on the train
now she has come down from it and I want to sing.
The question not only is based on the Hollywood Italy stereotype going around in the net but from the fact someone told me that 'it's impossible for Italians to have blonde hair as it's a well known fact all the Italian have black hair (and dark eyes and tanned skin). Whoever said otherwise was obviously ignorant'.
Or maybe it's Italian and knows that Italian hair comes actually in more than one colour (same for the eyes and about suntan... northern Italians fight to get it during summer months because sadly we aren't born with it)...
Until that moment I was aware of the existence of the Holliwood Italy stereotype but I didn't think someone who would blindly believe in it as if it was the TRUTH...
Emilia's stats are actually old. According to the new ones, brown hair is even more popular than before. However I couldn't find a detailed version of the new stats so the old will have to do.
Continue with the transmission Don't grumble silently, please let me know what you're thinking of this!
Send me your comments!