Well, playing with and disrespecting the fans is what RTD is all about, so don't be surprised if it's just a ruse to get you to watch. I wish Gareth would get some really great parts so we can love him as a character totally removed from RTD's evil influence. LOL
Blah, I know; I'm like 99.9% sure it's never going to happen, but I feel like until it does I can't give up all hope xP
And I totally agree, although I'm the type of person who tends to first associate actors with the first major role I saw them in, so on some level I'll probably always think of him as Ianto.
So not amused by this ... They kill Tosh and Owen (which obviously didn't actually happen) and then Ianto (which definitely never happened) and now they're actually replacing them... *removes dagger from back* I've been wanting to read this post all day since it got in my email box but my college computers have blocked LJ for 'pornography' - brilliant.
They won't bring him back. That would be tantamount to Rusty admitting he was wrong. And as we know, Rusty is never, ever wrong. He's brilliant and marvelous and all sparkly shiny perfect, so no Ianto's not coming back.
*snerk* I love your description of Rusty, there. And I know he's not coming back, but I still have like this teeny-tiny speck of hope that they'll prove me wrong, although they won't.
I honestly believe that Rusty, as much as he likes (lusts) after GDL, actually hated the character of Ianto.
Because we fans FELL into Janto SOOOO hard (and TOTALLY bitched about his perfectly ADORABLE Mary Sue character called Gwen...)
Nope, he's not going to bring Ianto back. It would 'totally ruin' the sacrifice Ianto made. Rusty believes that bringing back a character whose has died or left 'cheapens' the character which is why he never brought back:
Jack... Owen... Jenny... Rose... Carys (from 'Day One')... Rhys ('End of Days')... Everyone else who died after Abaddon... Everyone who died during the 'Year That Never Was'... The Master...
I don't mind; I live so far away that JB will never do a show here regardless. But ugh, that's terrible. I really hope that with Kai being signed to the new series that'll nix the Jack/Gwen, but they'll probably still find ways to slot it in there x(
I'd totally watch David, Burn and Georgia, too (even though I've never actually seen 'The Doctor's Daughter...')
But that's kind of disappointing, really, (although the super-fangirl in me hopes they're just playing up the Jack/Gwen a lot so if Ianto DOES come back they can have a good laugh at how riled up the fans got about the whole thing. It'll never happen, but in my head it's possible xP).
Comments 10
And I totally agree, although I'm the type of person who tends to first associate actors with the first major role I saw them in, so on some level I'll probably always think of him as Ianto.
I've been wanting to read this post all day since it got in my email box but my college computers have blocked LJ for 'pornography' - brilliant.
Because we fans FELL into Janto SOOOO hard (and TOTALLY bitched about his perfectly ADORABLE Mary Sue character called Gwen...)
Nope, he's not going to bring Ianto back. It would 'totally ruin' the sacrifice Ianto made. Rusty believes that bringing back a character whose has died or left 'cheapens' the character which is why he never brought back:
Carys (from 'Day One')...
Rhys ('End of Days')...
Everyone else who died after Abaddon...
Everyone who died during the 'Year That Never Was'...
The Master...
I'd totally watch David, Burn and Georgia, too (even though I've never actually seen 'The Doctor's Daughter...')
But that's kind of disappointing, really, (although the super-fangirl in me hopes they're just playing up the Jack/Gwen a lot so if Ianto DOES come back they can have a good laugh at how riled up the fans got about the whole thing. It'll never happen, but in my head it's possible xP).
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