Commenting Counter Thingy, take three!

Mar 20, 2011 16:49

Well, I've done this before, in 2009 and in 2010, but I'm always curious about this kind of stuff... so without further ado:

Who comments the most on this journal? )


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Comments 47

beboots March 20 2011, 19:59:33 UTC
Clearly! ;) This is actually super-interesting!


anyjen March 20 2011, 20:05:16 UTC
I like to do this once a year, to compare. It always provides very interesting results.

In this case, it's pointing out that I haven't been giving you people a chance to comment. If there are no posts, where are the comments going to go? ^^U

Also, I couldn't help but notice that many of my commenters have disappeared from LJ altogether. That line across their nick is rather sad. :(


beboots March 20 2011, 21:33:27 UTC
Sad face. :( Where did they go?


anyjen March 20 2011, 21:58:04 UTC
Who knows... Dreamwidth?


lily22 March 20 2011, 21:09:02 UTC
hahaha amused to rank in at #22.

/boosts self up


anyjen March 20 2011, 21:23:36 UTC
Your lj nick was forwarning us all!! XD


popkin16 March 20 2011, 23:45:21 UTC

How are you doing, anyway? Good, I hope!


anyjen March 20 2011, 23:52:00 UTC
You're still the best commenter on my journal. Rejoice! XD

Me? Fine, fine... still trying to get used to working regular hours (and regularly being shouted at on the phone by obnoxious clients demanding unreasonable things), but overall great. :)

You? What's been going on in your life? :3


popkin16 March 21 2011, 00:22:17 UTC
I an rejoicing indeed XD

I'm sorry you have to deal with obnoxious people all day. I'd end up losing my temper for sure :(

Just school, really. I'm finally back after taking a semester off and my one class has just ended. Other than that it's just fandom related stuff.


anyjen March 21 2011, 01:28:55 UTC
You should get some king of reward for being such a faithful commenter... here, have an internet!! you deserve it!!

Well, it's actually not all day. It's an average of two obnoxious customers a day... the problem is when the surveys on which a lot of my pay depends on go to those people. It's not my fault I can't give them what they want when they demand totally unreasonably things that go against company policy, but you wouldn't believe it reading those surveys. Apparently, I'm just a totally ignorant, horrible person if I can't give them credit for a two-hour-long international collect call they accepted from South Korea... and you have to accept them to get a collect call and for it to appear on your bill. If you didn't know that it was an expensive kind of call, it's not my problem either. Heck, the message when you get a collect call is even "this is a collect call from xxxx, to accept, press 1, to refuse, press 2, to get the rates for this kind of call, press 0. If you're not in the habit of listening to the whole menu before ( ... )


iceshade March 21 2011, 04:55:48 UTC
LOLOLOLOL that's probably because you respond to almost all the comments made in your journal. Unlike me

I can never get this to work for me. I FAIL AT THE INTERNET, ETC.


anyjen April 17 2011, 10:02:09 UTC
Well, I'm obsessive that way. ^^U

I save the page to my desktop, which means it will be easier to find, upload it, and then copy and paste the entire chunk of test in a new post in the html section, not rich test.

That generally does the trick. :)


imposterable March 21 2011, 22:16:42 UTC
YAY! :D I'm #9 :D

It's a competition starting now... *v*


anyjen April 17 2011, 09:53:06 UTC
You're in the top ten!! Yay, you! :D


imposterable April 23 2011, 00:30:57 UTC
I can't keep up with it though D:


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