Commenting Counter Thingy, take three!

Mar 20, 2011 16:49

Well, I've done this before, in 2009 and in 2010, but I'm always curious about this kind of stuff... so without further ado:

Who comments the most on this journal? )


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Comments 47

grimmsical March 23 2011, 04:45:48 UTC
/rubs chin. Still pretty solid at 7. Definitely a big jump between 3 and 4.


anyjen April 17 2011, 09:51:19 UTC
That's because numbers three and two are people I often hold long debate-like conversations here at LJ. It's hard to compete with that. ^^UU

Anyway, number 7 is pretty good. That's for being such a loyal commenter! :3


dicks March 24 2011, 11:04:15 UTC
CONGRATS ME \o/ Hehehe not bad XDD

Anyway been a while since you post anything lol. Hope you're doing all right XDD Take care~


anyjen April 17 2011, 09:49:50 UTC
Congrats you! XD

Yeah, I should really post more often. ^^U

Me, I'm doing fine, busy as always, but missing you guys. :3


sparklyfanta April 7 2011, 16:51:35 UTC
*comments to keep her spot in third place*

Hey darling! How are you?

(I would have commented when you originally posted, but I think I was sick with the flu. Not fun, and not good company, online or off.)

*pokes you* I still have some invites to Dreamwidth if you want~~

Let me know how you're doing!


anyjen April 17 2011, 09:48:13 UTC
Oh, don't worry, there's no risk of you losing your spot anytime soon. ^_ ( ... )


sparklyfanta April 17 2011, 11:18:58 UTC
*pins 3rd place badge to shirt*

*shines it*

Yeah, I had the flu. It wasn't so bad, in the sense of pampering--I'm pretty good at taking care of myself even when I'm sick. The worst part was that I missed three days of school, and I missed a stats quiz (automatic zero) and I couldn't turn in the worksheet or journal I'd done (more zeros), and the day I got back my biology teacher announced that she had to move up the test.

That sucked.

Thank you for the offer of pampering, though, it's sweet. :D The kitties did the best they could, being cats. Honestly, I was pretty feverish, I don't remember if they did too much comforting or not.

Yay! I thought you might take advantage of that. I'm over there as juniperfan.Also, yay on the sales tips! That's fantastic! I'd hate to be in a job where they expected me to do morally questionable stuff just to sell the product, so fantastically awesome that you've got a way to do your job without making your supervisor glare at you or feeling like you're lying. Yay ( ... )


anyjen April 17 2011, 20:59:03 UTC
The worst part was that I missed three days of school, and I missed a stats quiz (automatic zero) and I couldn't turn in the worksheet or journal I'd done (more zeros), and the day I got back my biology teacher announced that she had to move up the test.

That's awful... but I have faith in you. I'm sure you will be able to make up for it. :)

Yeah... believe it or not, there's a point where you can be too nice for a customer service/sales rep. If you empathise too much with the customer, you will try to do what's best for them, not for your goals... and if you don't meet your goals, you get less money at the end of the month. That and your supervisor glares at you, and your coworkers start to resent you because you're not pulling your own weight in the team. If you stay double the time on the line with a customer that has a difficult concern to resolve instead of shipping him off to another department after resolving his concern half-way, that means that the people next to you will have to take the call you didn't while you were ( ... )


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