Commenting Counter Thingy, take three!

Mar 20, 2011 16:49

Well, I've done this before, in 2009 and in 2010, but I'm always curious about this kind of stuff... so without further ado:

Who comments the most on this journal? )


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popkin16 March 20 2011, 23:45:21 UTC

How are you doing, anyway? Good, I hope!


anyjen March 20 2011, 23:52:00 UTC
You're still the best commenter on my journal. Rejoice! XD

Me? Fine, fine... still trying to get used to working regular hours (and regularly being shouted at on the phone by obnoxious clients demanding unreasonable things), but overall great. :)

You? What's been going on in your life? :3


popkin16 March 21 2011, 00:22:17 UTC
I an rejoicing indeed XD

I'm sorry you have to deal with obnoxious people all day. I'd end up losing my temper for sure :(

Just school, really. I'm finally back after taking a semester off and my one class has just ended. Other than that it's just fandom related stuff.


anyjen March 21 2011, 01:28:55 UTC
You should get some king of reward for being such a faithful commenter... here, have an internet!! you deserve it!!

Well, it's actually not all day. It's an average of two obnoxious customers a day... the problem is when the surveys on which a lot of my pay depends on go to those people. It's not my fault I can't give them what they want when they demand totally unreasonably things that go against company policy, but you wouldn't believe it reading those surveys. Apparently, I'm just a totally ignorant, horrible person if I can't give them credit for a two-hour-long international collect call they accepted from South Korea... and you have to accept them to get a collect call and for it to appear on your bill. If you didn't know that it was an expensive kind of call, it's not my problem either. Heck, the message when you get a collect call is even "this is a collect call from xxxx, to accept, press 1, to refuse, press 2, to get the rates for this kind of call, press 0. If you're not in the habit of listening to the whole menu before ( ... )


popkin16 March 21 2011, 02:46:06 UTC

So basically people are blaming you for things you had nothing to do with, and then leave you bad reviews when they take the survey because there's nothing you can do about the thing you didn't even DO in the first place? Dang. I think it takes a special type of person to put up with that.

lol complain away, I don't mind. I just wish I could help you somehow :P

Pretty? Well I like to think so. It's one of those series where you watch and then they grow on you. In some cases.


anyjen March 21 2011, 03:09:51 UTC
*stares at icon ( ... )


popkin16 March 21 2011, 04:17:34 UTC
It's a nice icon, isn't it? XD

I get to meet the second one and get his autograph! I'm pretty excited~

Aw. I'd totally call and then give you a glowing survey review, except I'd have no reason to call O.o The only reason I could understand for someone wanting an American is incomprehensible accents. My mom has to have my dad or I talk on the phone because she's kind of got hearing problems and the accent doesn't help. But there's absolutely no reason to be rude about it, and HA. Good luck to her on finding an American rep.

Doesn't your boss understand what these people are like?


anyjen April 17 2011, 09:59:26 UTC
It's a nice icon, isn't it? XD

Very nice, indeed. *___*

I get to meet the second one and get his autograph! I'm pretty excited~

Lucky you!

Oh, you could always say you got the wrong number. You would be surprised how many people were trying to reach some other number and ended up pressing buttons until they got me on the phone. I guess they figure, since this is a telephone company, we're kind of like an operator and we'll be able to magically connect them with who they want to speak with, rite?

I can get you the number and the hour you could call and get the higher chance of getting me in the phone. I would have to pretend I don't know who you are and treat it as any other call in case they're monitoring it, but if you give me some kind of clue (maybe saying you're calling from a telephone box? about a doctor? XD) I'll know it's you.

Either that, or we could figure out how skype works... do you have access to that skype thingy?


popkin16 April 17 2011, 10:18:45 UTC
:) Feel free to take, of course!

Mm, I am very lucky indeed :D Yay for conventions!

Do they actually expect you to be able to connect them to with whomever they wish to speak with? I mean, I understand if they dialed the wrong number and didn't realize it. But if you told them that it wasn't your job to connect them, and they still insisted, well that's pretty stupid.

I have Skype, yeah. I mostly use it as an IM service. I wouldn't mind calling, but you'd have to tell me what sort of things to say, because otherwise I'll probably blurt out, "IS THIS ANYJEN? I AM A MAD MAN WITH A BLUE BOX." because I'll be so nervous.


anyjen April 17 2011, 10:37:48 UTC
Do they actually expect you to be able to connect them to with whomever they wish to speak with?

Yeah, they do. Most of the time they just misdialled and got an error message telling them to check with their phone company (which gives them a number that eventually connects them to me) so all I haver to do is ask them what was the number they were trying to call in the first place and transfer them to it. Though not before offering thm our services, of course. Can you believe that even wrong numbers are considered sales opportunities, and we get sh*t from our supervisors if we don't attempt a sale? If I misdial and reach some kind of telephone company instead of the office of my doctor, the last thing I want is somebody trying to sell me something. -_-

Well, it wouldn't be very smooth, but it would get the message accross. XD

(and anyway, even if you said that, word per word, you still wouldn't be in the top ten weirdest people we've had to talk to. Just last thursday, I had a call from a guy who insisted he was Royalty, and who ( ... )


popkin16 April 17 2011, 10:51:24 UTC
I definitely wouldn't want to hear a sales pitch if I misdialled a number. Though ever since you got this job, I'm always careful to be as polite as possible to the people on the other end. Not that I was rude before, but I didn't focus on it as much. I spent all this weekend on the phone with first my router company and then my laptop maker company

LOL And just imagine if I got the wrong person?

(Seriously? Wow. I'm impressed you managed to surprised the giggles at all; I wouldn't have been able to. Clearly all our problems are caused by a member of some Royal Family not lending us money.)

I mostly use Skype IM, which comes with phone calling or phone calling + webcam. But honestly, I just IM people. I could help you out with it, if you needed. AH, yeah, it'd be difficult to not laugh if you kept calling me ma'am.


anyjen April 17 2011, 11:28:43 UTC
Good to hear! Trust me, they appreciate it. If you want to be even nicer to them, make sure you take a few moments before placing the call to figure out what it is you need of them and gather all the relevant information they could ask you (account numbers, the last bill or two, receipts, anything that could contain details that would help identify you and your concern), plus pen and paper (vital, yet so many people forget it!). We have a time limit for the calls, so if you can be clear and brief when expressing your concern, and have everything ready for when they ask you for something, you will be making their day ( ... )


anyjen April 17 2011, 10:38:57 UTC
BTW, what time is it over there?


popkin16 April 17 2011, 10:46:28 UTC
This very moment it's 6:46 in the morning. I'm usually on from 7 in the evening until 7 in the morning.

I know, scary right?


anyjen April 17 2011, 11:11:49 UTC
...could we arrange a call at (your) ten pm someday?

I will have to get the software and get my microphone working (I do have a webcam, but it's been years since I last tried to make it work, so I'm not counting on that) but it will be worth if it means we can have a proper conversation. :D


popkin16 April 17 2011, 11:21:55 UTC
I've got absolutely no problem with a 10 pm call :)

The software is free and easy to download and install. I don't know what kind of computer you have, so I can't say how your webcam works, though. I AM SO EXCITED NOW 8DDD


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