Commenting Counter Thingy, take three!

Mar 20, 2011 16:49

Well, I've done this before, in 2009 and in 2010, but I'm always curious about this kind of stuff... so without further ado:

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anyjen April 17 2011, 11:28:43 UTC
Good to hear! Trust me, they appreciate it. If you want to be even nicer to them, make sure you take a few moments before placing the call to figure out what it is you need of them and gather all the relevant information they could ask you (account numbers, the last bill or two, receipts, anything that could contain details that would help identify you and your concern), plus pen and paper (vital, yet so many people forget it!). We have a time limit for the calls, so if you can be clear and brief when expressing your concern, and have everything ready for when they ask you for something, you will be making their day. :)

If you have a landline, there are a couple of inside tips I can give you so you can get the best deals and service. Just ask me and I'll spill the beans!

Well, if you got the wrong number you would still get one of my co-workers (if you call a certain number at a certain time, there's only five or so of us taking calls) and I could instruct them to take the number and give it to me so I could call you back ("If any of you get a giggling woman who keeps spouting nonsense about a blue box and a doctor, it's for me!"). We still wouldn't be able to talk more than a couple of minutes (I would still have to, you know, work) but it's another possibility.

(INORITE? and he kept mentioning he was chums with some important-sounding figure or other, and telling me surely I must have heard of them, and I had to be all serious business and politely prompt him to go back to matters of his telephone instead of telling him I didn't give a crap about politicians and such in England or the US. XD)

Skype IM, gotcha. Now it's all a matter of getting it and figuring out how it works... if I managed to learn how to use close to forty different programs to fix/install/configure a person's phone line and calling plan from across the world, surely Skype can't be that much of a challenge... I hope. ^^U


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