Title (kindly provided by drharper and newsy891): Baby Boom (or, Why you should always read the manual first) 'Verse: G1 Transformers Rating: PG-13 Warnings: TF cussing
O.o *snickerfits* Why do I get the feeling that the little fraggers have retained their personalities and memories, and are playing this for all they're worth? And, possibly in the trines' case, bucking to stay so they can get back at Megatron for dumping them in the first place?
I. Am in love with this fic so much. Can't wait for more!
And I love the title; drharper and newsy891 came up with a good one ^__^
I've been dying to write that plot twist ever since the bunny popped into my head (Tylenol-Turkey and Number 4 provided me with no more excuse not to).
*still snickering* I love it! Plot twists are always a blast, aren't they?
*giggle* Sunny didn't "lose" Warp, little fragger just 'ported to Sides (it would not surprise me if a certain other seeker cut it back on for him at the earliest opportunity, possibly while the twins had their backs turned)
Have to admit, I didn't see that one coming. I'll agree with Red: sly little fraggers. I love the way you've characterized Red so far in this fic, and that he was the one to figure it out.
P.S. Actually, the security director amended, the medic was, actually getting a proper amount of recharge for once. Don't need that last comma.
(Why yes, I did just go and read it again, looking for all the sneaky things they might have been up to.) Carly giving the seekers hugs is now doubly funny.
Ah, I meant that as in the sense that Ratchet was actually faring better, as he was getting enough recharge. I'll try to figure out some clearer wording, I hope ^_^;;
Oh WOW! Hon, you got high-pitched giggles out of me at the end, and given that my voice has dropped into the very-low end of the spectrum from the flu, this is a feat and a half!
Just.... Jazz really was putting them through intense training huh? XD Oh, totally love this new direction.
Comments 43
I. Am in love with this fic so much. Can't wait for more!
And I love the title; drharper and newsy891 came up with a good one ^__^
I've been dying to write that plot twist ever since the bunny popped into my head (Tylenol-Turkey and Number 4 provided me with no more excuse not to).
*giggle* Sunny didn't "lose" Warp, little fragger just 'ported to Sides (it would not surprise me if a certain other seeker cut it back on for him at the earliest opportunity, possibly while the twins had their backs turned)
Sneaky little mechs, aren't they?
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Have to admit, I didn't see that one coming. I'll agree with Red: sly little fraggers. I love the way you've characterized Red so far in this fic, and that he was the one to figure it out.
(Why yes, I did just go and read it again, looking for all the sneaky things they might have been up to.) Carly giving the seekers hugs is now doubly funny.
Just.... Jazz really was putting them through intense training huh? XD Oh, totally love this new direction.
Flu? Ai. *offers soup and tissues* Feel better soon :)
*snuggles in* Thankyou love!
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