Title (kindly provided by drharper and newsy891): Baby Boom (or, Why you should always read the manual first) 'Verse: G1 Transformers Rating: PG-13 Warnings: TF cussing
Have to admit, I didn't see that one coming. I'll agree with Red: sly little fraggers. I love the way you've characterized Red so far in this fic, and that he was the one to figure it out.
P.S. Actually, the security director amended, the medic was, actually getting a proper amount of recharge for once. Don't need that last comma.
(Why yes, I did just go and read it again, looking for all the sneaky things they might have been up to.) Carly giving the seekers hugs is now doubly funny.
Ah, I meant that as in the sense that Ratchet was actually faring better, as he was getting enough recharge. I'll try to figure out some clearer wording, I hope ^_^;;
Have to admit, I didn't see that one coming. I'll agree with Red: sly little fraggers. I love the way you've characterized Red so far in this fic, and that he was the one to figure it out.
(Why yes, I did just go and read it again, looking for all the sneaky things they might have been up to.) Carly giving the seekers hugs is now doubly funny.
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