Kuroko no Basket Doujinshi ("Moshimo, Kagami Taiga ga Touou Gakuen no Seito dattara!" by KUD2)

Mar 22, 2013 21:07

Title: Maybe, if Kagami Taiga was a Touou HS student! (Moshimo, Kagami Taiga ga Touou Gakuen no seito dattara!)
Circle: KUD2
Pairing: AoKaga, Ao + Kaga + Sakurai
Rating: gen
Pages: 42
Notes: this is really half a collection of KUD2's sketches and stuff and 1/2 actual manga. The premise (as the title implies) is if Kagami was a Touou student, what kind of antics would the Touou crew get into?

So like all of KUD2's stuff, her art is always really sketchy and rough and sometimes a bit squarish. She also, however, draws some of the best action I've ever seen in a doujinshika - something about the way she captures movement makes it seem so real, especially for characters who are supposed to be 'rough', like Aomine, Kagami, Gokudera and Yamamoto (from Reborn). This book was (sadly) a smaller size than the others (not the usual B5), but like I suspect a lot of other people will find, the author's fangirlish rants around all of her sketches are actually pretty fun to read.

And of course, the other half of the book is actual manga interspersed between the sketches. There's a few pages where Sakurai forces a cooking contest on Kagami and Aomine, who has to choose who cooks better. Sneakily he gives a huge grin and just says, "Well, I like both - so make my lunchbox for me every day, yeah?" It seems like Kagami and him get along (ahem) *very* *well* in some pictures, like when Aomine is leaning in and practically leering while showing a blushing Kagami his gravure magazines. And there's even an Imayoshi tutoring session where he encounters the amazing Kagami hiccup-crying-I'm-sorry-I'm-stupid!! face that gives him a nosebleed, it's so dangerous.

There's a snatch of Rakuzan!Kagami (he promptly is scared off back to Seirin and Kiyoshi laughs at him). There's also a pic of Shuutoku!Kuroko (Midorima comments, "Hmm, it looks quite good on you, doesn't it." with that secretly pleased expression XD). Personally I think Kagami and Aomine would get on like a house on fire, and *sigh* sadly KUD2 only drew this as a kind of sketch/short collection book like Rush on the Planets! but well, can't be perfect all the time lolll. I'll wait for her next longer serious book~

Get it here on Mediafire, and keep your eye out for boroiheya's scanlation!

[EDIT: by boroiheya, enjoy! And go tell her thanks!]

aokaga, doujinshi, aokaga dj, kuroko dj, kuroko

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