Title: Rush on the Planets!
Circle: KUD2
Pairing: KagaKuro, vague AoKuro, some Ao + Kaga
Rating: G
Pages: 26
Notes: so though I'm not 100% positive, I'm pretty sure this is Vem-sama AKA therodeostriker AKA Calabrone from my own Reborn fandom...
Vem-sama...her art is pretty much as far on the scale of "not normal" that is still considered "wonderfully stylish" in my books. I think (since
nherizu showed me
this prime example of horrible doujinshi naming *headdesk*) she dabbled some in DRRR! too before moving on to Kurobasu. To this day, her work
tutto di sogni is still one of my most favorite Reborn doujinshi of all time - maybe one of the first ones that ever made me tear up. In fact, now that I'm looking at it I still have a couple of her Reborn collections.
Her art in the first half (since it's just her doodles of Kagami with different hairstyles + Kagami and Aomine in Anpanman uniforms lolllll) was kind of...not interesting since Kagami and Kuroko are just studying, but then you see Kagami and Aomine play some b-ball and - well. Her action scenes are always so...alive. I seriously gave a sigh of bliss when I saw it - THAT'S what movement should look like.
Her expressions too are...unnnngh so...*right* despite the fact that her art doesn't resemble anyone else's, including the original Kurobasu art. The way Aomine and Kagami look when they're facing off, the things they say...despite the simple, almost blocky way she draws their bodies somehow it fits. Somehow it looks so much like something they would really do.
Ahh....but unfortunately...NOTHING HAPPENS IN HERE *sob*. No kissing, no...nothing. *sniffle* Dammit and I thought one of my fav doujinshika finally might ship my pairing!!! *sob* But no...not quite a Light Sandwich. Not even really KagaKuro...wellllll the story is still amusing, I guess.
(btw...tsukimi-burgers are awesome. They come out in October in a variety of hamburger chains, including the Japanese McDonalds. Tsukimi is "moon-watching", or "moon-viewing", when the family goes out and admires the full moon, like the Chinese moon festival without the cakes, large dinner, and all around celebrating. Tsukimi-burgers, on top of your regular meat patty, come with a slice of egg on top, to symbolize the moon. It's really really good! If you're ever in Japan during October, I'd really recommend it, despite how strange it sounds.)
But anyway, if you're up for art that's a little different, it's here on Mediafire:
Part 1 and
Part 2