TV love

Aug 27, 2008 01:10

I love, love, love Slings & Arrows! I am in the midst of complete love must watch every episode right now OMG and it is glorious. Just finished Season One which was awesome. I got pimped into the show at Vividcon wherein I learned that not only was it smart, all about Shakespeare and stars pretty Paul Gross, it's FUNNY. What I'm really loving about ( Read more... )

stargate atlantis, flashpoint, slings and arrows, tv, vid rec

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anoel August 28 2008, 02:43:41 UTC
Ugh I know my stupid internet is having issues and won't let me edit it. I'll change it as soon as I can.


pharis August 27 2008, 05:35:08 UTC
I love, love, love Slings & Arrows!

Isn't it wonderful! I'm watching it for the second time now (literally now -- got it paused on the other screen) and am about halfway through the last episode.

You saw "My Rights Versus Yours" at VVC, right? It's lovely -- that's one that I've been watching over and over again.

Which are her and Richard kind of like Macbeth and his wife?

Oh yes, but I wouldn't try too hard to shoehorn the characters into a tidy package of "X S&A character equals Y Shakespeare character." The parallels are done with a light touch, combined and recombined. Such a rich show.

I think Richard is -- well, not my favorite, but one of the most interesting characters. He's weak and snively and moderately well-intentioned and complex. It must have been really tempting for the writers to make him a redemption story, have him just grow and bloom and leave behind his weasely ways, but he never does, quite. It's almost uncomfortably true to life ( ... )


anoel August 28 2008, 02:47:08 UTC
Yay! It's amazing, I'm so glad I went to the room party (thanks for giving me the room number!). And yeah I saw it although I didn't get much of it. Can't wait to see it when I'm done!

Ooh yay! I'm definitely not trying to make them into anyone, that parallel was just really obvious to me. That's the only one I've caught really. I do like Richard! He is interesting and cute. There was only that one moment when he commented to the Hamlet that I really hated him. I like that he keeps his personality and I'm loving this advertising story now. Ohh Anna's really cute! I always confuse her with Ellen though although I'm better now.


indybaggins August 27 2008, 06:25:38 UTC
*clings* I don't want my SGA to end, ever. :(


anoel August 28 2008, 02:47:27 UTC
Me too! At least the fandom won't end.


iamcrazyodo August 27 2008, 07:24:57 UTC
I've only seen season 1 and half of season 2 of Slings & Arrows but I loved everything about that show. Do you know where I could find S2 and S3 (can't afford to buy them right now)?

I definitely agree with pharis about Richard. He's a very interesting character. Well, he was, back in season 1. I think Mark McKinney did a wonderful job co-creating and co-writing the show (as well as playing Richard, of course). He has, IMO, outgrown his Kids In The Hall fame. He proved he's quite a versatile actor.


anoel August 28 2008, 02:48:53 UTC
I love it SO MUCH! That's where I am right now. Try mininova or ihearttvshows on LJ.

I don't know him from that but I think he does a great job! It's cool that he's also a writer.


snowystingray August 27 2008, 11:13:11 UTC
Definitely in my top three episodes, Tao of Rodney, The Shrine, McKay and Mrs. Miller (notice a pattern?)

Ahaha, me too! I honestly couldn't care less that they're all basically an emotional retread of each other -- I love it every. friggen. time. they do the "Rodney's certain doom strengthens team bonds." The only thing really missing in this episode for me was... Zelenka? More please? Although apparently via Mallozzi there was a large-ish Zelenka scene that didn't make the cut, so maybe it'll be on the DVD. But oh. I love everybody so much. *squishes them* *goes off to watch Beer on the Pier scene again*


anoel August 28 2008, 02:49:48 UTC
Awesome! Anything with Rodney makes me happy. I did wish there was Zelenka, that sucks they had to delete the scene. And perfect name for that scene!


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