TV love

Aug 27, 2008 01:10

I love, love, love Slings & Arrows! I am in the midst of complete love must watch every episode right now OMG and it is glorious. Just finished Season One which was awesome. I got pimped into the show at Vividcon wherein I learned that not only was it smart, all about Shakespeare and stars pretty Paul Gross, it's FUNNY. What I'm really loving about it is it explores what I find most fascinating about acting in theater/tv/film is how actors get themselves into a character and the whole creative process of it. So cool. And the OT3 is awesome and Geoffrey and Ellen are so, so cute and I just love everyone except Holly. Which are her and Richard kind of like Macbeth and his wife? Wish my Shakespeare knowledge was better so I could get everything. Beautiful, wonderful end to the season though. I always forget that wonderful feeling of *needing* to marathon every episode of a show and this one is hitting me exactly in that place. Seriously if you like smart, funny shows about Shakespeare, definitely check this show out!

Then SGA and Flashpoint had to go and break me with their latest episodes.

I knew within the first 10 seconds or so that this episode was going to kill me. I was totally unspoiled but the second they started with Rodney not being smart, I was goooone. FLOWERS FOR ALGERNON. Gah, one of my favorite books that makes me cry every damn time and I'm going to need to read it again and do a post with school stuff coming up because it has a lot of personal meaning to me. Anyways oh, Rodney! Not Dr. but Mr. because doctors are smart awww. THEN Rodney starts crying out JOHN and I'm so, so lost. How is this possible and happening on my screen? It's like all the emotional bonds and stuff between Rodney and John finally gets shown and John in the only person Rodney wants awwwww. The slash in this episode is just off the hook. The way John comes up to Rodney when he's going to explain the trip to him *dies* The PIER SCENE OF LOVE! I was just so amazed that Rodney goes to John in the middle of the night! Like right out of fanfic. And the touching. I love that John is Rodney's rock where he goes when he doesn't know where he is. Oh and John's panda shirt is the cutest thing ever.

I love how they can just sit and chat and have it be true love to me. And John won't say goodbye to Rodney! YOU'RE STUCK WITH ME! God, can they get any more romantic? Stuck with him for life *happy sigh* "You're a good friend, Arthur" LOL I love the spit take and laughing and the beautiful zooming out shot. Please be using in lots of vids, kthx. Have I mentioned David Hewlit with the breaking me and all the times I had to pause this episode to writhe or flail at the slash? So amazing, all of it. Even the lol end which was ridiculous to me even though I used to like them. I like cesperanza's explanation of Rodney forgetting to pretend to be straight on Day 15 (yelling JOHN) rather than Day 6. Works for me! Gah I am helpless to McShep, I really am *hearts them*

Everytime I think I'm okay with SGA's cancellation, they pull something like this and make me love the show SO MUCH. Definitely in my top three episodes, Tao of Rodney, The Shrine, McKay and Mrs. Miller (notice a pattern?) although I have to watch Tao again to get the exact order. You just can't replace these characters and relationships. I'll watch Stargate Universe because I'm curious but really unless they get better writers/create awesome characters (with good actors), I'll doubt it'll be any good. Stupid networks and writers.

And then Flashpoint with the BROTHERS and the Supernatural and Due South references! I don't usually get into one shot characters but DAMN THEM I'm so hooked and I want moremoremore.

OMG the glass scene!!! It totally made me cry. And after their big fight and everything. The fingers against the glass! The forehead touching! They are just the cutest. God, I totally slash them too, I can't help it. Even before I knew they were brothers but damn they make it so easy. First there was that Dean and Sam reminiscent scene where Dean ambushes Sam in the dark just like RJ does here. And then RJ just like Dean wants to take Simon (who is the cutest) away with him from the school life. To the Yukon! Just like Fraser and RayK eeee. And then RJ protects his brother from his dad OMG. That just killed me with RJ always being there. Just look at this: "what are you so scared of, huh? I'm still here aren't I?" Awwww. And the hands and face touching! Gah they're so beautiful. And then "same guy that was there for you every night"...Yeah I've got nothing.
"I'm never going to let you go either, no matter what happens" Oh, boys. Forever, baby. And then the angsty fight :( I was getting HCL vibes from that one. But the glass scene made it all better. And I'm seriously not making this shit up, LOOK at this glass vid! It's a romantic trope, I swear.

Still really bored by and don't like Sam. My tolerance for assholes and their emo backstories has just gone way down. And I want more Ed and Greg and Jules! Why waste time for this guy? I'm still pissed Jules got involved with him. Hope we get more character stuff with the three of them. This show always surprises me how it can make some of the episodic plots emotionally gripping so that you can't help but get invested. I love that.

"Slash is what happens when you take away the glass." Yes, that! (thank you Henry, Jenkins) God, I'm easy. You'd think I'd learn my lesson after Climbing Up the Walls, obsessive24's AMAZING video that was my very favorite vid of Vividcon and that everyone should go running to check out right now (Supernatural, Firefly, Heroes). It blows my time every time I watch it. There isn't enough words for my love. How much do I love dark, messed up relationships? A LOT. More vid recs and VVC report to come but I have to give a special mention to this.

And yay to a second series of Flashpoint! I'm currently dying for the new season to start especially The Office, Pushing Daisies, House, How I Met Your Mother and Heroes. I miss the feeling of having a ton of beloved shows to watch and getting squeeful every week. Can't wait!

stargate atlantis, flashpoint, slings and arrows, tv, vid rec

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