New Vid: Let It Be - Mad Men

Feb 05, 2011 03:04

So here is the vid I made for festivids this year (the first one). When I saw the Mad Men prompt with a request for Don and Peggy, I knew I HAD to make a vid for them. It was like fate because after seeing The Suitcase, I knew there had to be a vid for them. Here is my attempt to capture their epicness:

Title: Let It Be
Music: The Beatles
Fandom: Mad Men
Pairing: Don/Peggy (platonic)
Spoilers: Seasons 1-4
Summary: There is still a chance that they will see.
Warnings: None.

Link: Let It Be
Streaming: Let It Be streaming

Made for ferdalump. Thanks to gwyn_r for the last minute beta and thanks to par_avion for the web space. All feedback (including concrit) is much appreciated. Enjoy!

vidding, festivids, my vids, mad men

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