Festivids and TV, my favorites.

Feb 12, 2011 01:24

So Festivids was awesome! SO many amazing vids (174!) and so many different fandoms and lots of great vid chat nights. I made Let It Be (Mad Men, Don/Peggy) and In the Sun (Huge, Becca) way too close to the deadline but they somehow made it in. Next time I have swore to myself I will get them down early as it'll make the process go SO much better. But I vidded two things I've really wanted to vid and I'm happy with both of them so I'm happy. Now onto the recs of my favorite vids for this year's Festivids. There are a LOT of great vids made so these are just my favorites that I connected with the most.

First, I received My Life Would Suck Without You a wonderful Modern Family, Cam/Mitchell vid that I ADORE to pieces. It shows all the ways that they're the cutest couple ever and how they love each other and CASABLANCA. I love it so much!

Serpent Charmer - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford: This was the perfect recruiter vid and completely convinces me of the beauty of the movie and the super slashiness of the relationship.
TV taught me how to feel - Community: Abed! Abed is my favorite thing about Community and this vid captures so much of what I love about him. The song is PERFECT for him and one of my favorite sings and the title really just says it all.
Float On - Finding Nemo This is the perfect Dory vid, full of fun, a great cover and continued joy throughout.
Tadzio, Tadzio - The History Boys: This vid made me finally watch The History Boys which has been on my list for a long time and THANK GOD I did because it was awesome and much gayer than I thought. This vid combines almost all of my favorite parts of it with lots of Dakin/Irwin goodness along with Posner being his wonderful self. I could watch this over and over to get a dose of all the good stuff I loved about the movie.
Friends - How I Met Your Mother: This is like the perfect friendship, OT5 vid that is just so funny and dead on with the representation of the gang. And the lyrics are perfect!
They Want More: Dinosaurs! So much dinosaur love in this and the lyrics could not work more perfectly.
End of the World - Life After People: The end of the world was never more awesome! This is just fun and fast and so very, very cool. No need to know the fandom, just watch!
Samsa Morning - Lost in Austen: This vid has the most PERFECT song choice ever. The end is so freaking true. Freaking Darcy, man. Even if you've never seen this mini-series before, especially if you're a Pride and Prejudice lover, WATCH THIS.
The Rules of Parenting - Modern Family: This is a hilarious vid full of everything I love about the show! So much joy and cuteness and filled with hilarious quotes that work perfectly in the vid. Makes me laugh so much (just like the show)!
Skinny Genes - Rizzoli and Isles: This vid is like the epitome of shippiness and cuteness. PERFECT song choice, great matching of music and visuals and lots and lots of femslash. I definitely am convinced to try out the show!
Dance in the Dark - Lady GaGa RPF: Lady GaGa, nuff said right? This is a great exploration of her and all her music videos and I'm never one to resist her magic.
Jaded - Velvet Goldmine: This vid is SO amazing with a perfect song choice that says so much about the movie and the main characters in it. Definitely a vid I'll be rewatching a lot.
What About Love: This vid is just SO PRETTY that it cannot be expressed in words. Rob Lowe is at his prettiest here and this is one of the slashiest things I have ever seen in my life. It's got a great story to it and lots of hockey if you're into that and it's just epically over the top goodness. MUST see this movie.

Lots of good TV this week! First there was the Superbowl (let's not talk about that, too depressing) and GLEE which is finally back. I thought the episode wasn't epic enough (or had enough great music) for a post-Superbowl episode but I enjoyed it and as usual Darren Criss was amaaaazing doing his thing. Then there was ANOTHER Glee on Tuesday (I like this every other day Glee schedule SO MUCH) which I loved SO MUCH. All I gotta say is MARRY ME BLAINE...so in love with him. He takes dreaminess to a whole nother level. And courage :) So inspiring. And Puck and Mike brought the hotness too, just guhhhh. And the end was PERFECT with the love and romance and KURT and all of them being there. Oh, Kurt <3 (Also am I the only one suddenly shipping Sam and Santana now? SO MANY PAIRINGS)

Then Modern Family was funny and awesome! Cam/Mitchell could not get any cuter. However, The Office decided it would get amazing all of a sudden. Wow. I had heard this episode was like a S2 episode and man, did it deliver. It made me laugh so much and then sucker punched me when I least expected it and made me cry. It was just really well written and had that wonderful family vibe that I love about it. Parks & Recreation has been good too although mostly I'm madly in love with Chris. He's just this bright ray of sunshine and I'm SO IN LOVE with him. Rob Lowe just excels with bringing the innocence. I'm also loving Shameless which is just so funny and awesome. What I love about it is among so many shows about rich, privileged people is this show about a family just trying to pay the bills and buy food and going through any means to do it. It's fun and I love everyone especially Ian who is the cutest ever. Basically, I'm behind on my TV watching goals right now (no time) but of the stuff I am watching, it's great so at least there's that.

vid recs, vidding, parks and recreation, the office, shameless, glee, festivids, modern family

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