7.21.07 :: All the Marauders will be together again.

Jul 15, 2007 18:39

I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the All-Caps of Boiling Rage last Tuesday night with moireach, throughadoor, smartlikejustin and la_cspan. (Nothing like an outing in which everyone is an lj user equals.) I'd forgotten how much fun these ridiculous fannish type things are -- there were costumes (an entire Quidditch team, with robes and brooms, made up of kind of hot 25 ( Read more... )

harry potter

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Comments 60

allthingsholy July 15 2007, 23:09:32 UTC
The midnight showings are always so much more fun than the regular screenings, because the people at the midnight shows are so much more excited. And strange. I didn't go to the midnight screening for the fifth movie, but I'm definitely going for the sixth, because it's so much better.

And yes, I kept gaping at the fact that Snape kepting saying he wanted to "penetrate" Harry. Umm...what?


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:12:59 UTC
Seriously, it's like a big dorky party, and everybody knows what's going to happen, so, like, when Ginny looks back at Harry and Cho everyone's all, "AWW." Heeeee. Yeah, book 5 is my least favorite book, but I still liked the movie a lot!

Haha, I KNOW, RIGHT? They have to have done that on purpose, right? But... uh, that is actually creepier? I don't even know.


allthingsholy July 15 2007, 23:20:26 UTC
See, I'd read the fifth book twice before and still could hardly remember anything that happened, so I read it again and finished it, like, a half hour before I went to the theater for the fifth movie, so everything that was supposed to happen in the movie was fresh in my head, which made parts of the movie all the more irritating.

I can totally see Alan Rickman getting the script and being like "I'm going to do WHAT to Harry? You know the people who watch these movies are no longer 8 years old, right?"

And yes, I was totally getting a few Remus/Sirius vibes from their first scene, even though that's not a ship I jump onto at all.


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:29:51 UTC
Yeah, I think I liked the movie more 'cause I've only read the 5th book once, and that was a long time ago. I actually had to stop reading people's essays about the movie 'cause they were pointing out all the stuff that got left out and making me like it less.

Hee, poor Alan Rickman. And yeah, Remus/Sirius, so weird! I think I was maybe more into it because I really kind of hate book Sirius a lot, but he was way more mature in the movie? I don't even know.


calendae July 15 2007, 23:21:50 UTC
I was all about the Harry/Ron. Because Ron totally defended Harry's honor! And also, Ron is awesome.


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:27:42 UTC
I am always about the Harry/Ron. But poor Rupert, he had like no lines! He just looked mournful a lot! Uncool, movie, uncool.


calendae July 15 2007, 23:31:13 UTC
It was a travesty! A TRAVESTY, I say. Rupert is a much, much better actor than Emma "eyebrows" Watson. And RGrint owns an ice cream truck. He's awesome! Ahem.

But yes, a lot of the side story was missed. Sigh. Weasley is *still* my king.


(The comment has been removed)

annakovsky July 16 2007, 00:10:39 UTC
Heee, it was so DIRTY! On all counts!

Also, when Harry said the kiss was "Wet" afterwards, our theater died laughing, presumably totally covering the line about her crying. DIRTY AGAIN.

Facebook is super stressful, isn't it? Auuuuugh.


pennylane83 July 16 2007, 00:07:21 UTC
and as the kiss entered its third year

Heeeeeeee. ILU. The question is, what house would it be in? Actually, no, don't answer that. But seriously, that kiss practically became a professor at Hogwarts.

Hey, remember when summer was almost over? WTF? Also, I'm super jealous you and agate get to hang out. It's like a mini convention!


annakovsky July 16 2007, 00:11:44 UTC
Hahahaha. That kiss would be in Slytherin, clearly. Then become Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Yowza.


I am so excited to see agate! It has to be just the first of many awesome girl conventions.


mozarts_friend July 16 2007, 00:12:18 UTC
Heeee, that movie was amazing, and yeah Harry really kind of went for it there, huh? It is way too awesome that you and agate are going to be hanging out! Plan the convention while you're at it, eh?

Oh, Facebook - it is so true about the pictures. Sometimes you have to exercise the "detag" feature when others post horrible pictures of you, haha?


annakovsky July 16 2007, 00:52:28 UTC
Harry: growing up SO FAST. And using too much tongue.

I am super excited for the first awesome girls hangout! We will totally do some planning. Heh.

Hee, there are a LOT of pictures of you! I enjoy it. :P


mozarts_friend July 16 2007, 01:13:41 UTC
Hahaha, some of those pictures are beyond ridiculous (uh, especially the ones from this past Friday? Where a "gathering" at my house somehow turned into an impromptu dance party? Hahaha, maybe I'll LJ about it later!)


annakovsky July 16 2007, 01:42:20 UTC
Heee, I enjoy the dance party ones with the shirtless boys! NICE. Definitely LJ about it!


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