7.21.07 :: All the Marauders will be together again.

Jul 15, 2007 18:39

I went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the All-Caps of Boiling Rage last Tuesday night with moireach, throughadoor, smartlikejustin and la_cspan. (Nothing like an outing in which everyone is an lj user equals.) I'd forgotten how much fun these ridiculous fannish type things are -- there were costumes (an entire Quidditch team, with robes and brooms, made up of kind of hot 25 ( Read more... )

harry potter

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Comments 60

miggy July 15 2007, 22:45:11 UTC


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:02:03 UTC
WHY DO YOU WANT TO GIVE ME MORE INTERNET HOMEWORK? Hee. Email me and I will give you my real name!


miggy July 15 2007, 23:22:54 UTC
The really sad thing is that other friends got me onto MySpace.


miss_bennie July 15 2007, 22:47:36 UTC
as the kiss entered its third year

Heee, no kidding. One of my friends leaned over in the middle and said, "Dude, the mistletoe is gonna wilt before he's done."

Your vacation sounds like fun! Where in Canada are you going? I have a LOT of family in Canada. (In my country, Canadian...)


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:03:59 UTC
Haha, it was so weird and awkward. STOP FRENCHING THAT GIRL, HARRY POTTER.

Lake of the Woods, in Ontario! My mom's Canadian, so we have a family cottage there. It's like my favorite place in the universe.


miss_bennie July 15 2007, 23:15:08 UTC
Lake of the Woods! My aunt and uncle used to have a place up there, and we would go for a couple weeks in the summer. God, I miss that place. Way to move to Windsor, FAMILY.

Oh, Canada. If I didn't just get back from you this afternoon I would want to go back. (You know what is delicious? Coffee Crisp. /random)


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:23:16 UTC
Oh really? Whereabouts? Our place is near Kenora, and we totally went there for the whole month of July through my entire childhood. Man, so great.

(Hee, is that where you were all weekend? AWES. Man, I love Canadian food. Caramilks are my favorites. And Shreddies, for cereal. GET ON THAT, STATES.)


cindyjade July 15 2007, 22:48:05 UTC
when Snape said he was going to try to "penetrate" Harry

this was one of my favorite parts of the movie, i won't lie! (SHOCKED?) it was around this part that my sorta-fannish friend looked over at me and told me to calm down.

facebook frightens me.


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:04:56 UTC
HEE. I would've been disappointed if you didn't react that way.

Facebook is weird and incomprehensible! But sort of fun once you accidentally get into it? I don't know, I think I'm too old to really understand it.


agate July 15 2007, 22:48:25 UTC

I cannot believe I haven't seen OotP yet, but I know no lj user equals types in real life, so fuck it, I'll probably just go by myself after work tomorrow. Woo?


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:10:34 UTC
YES WE ARE. I'm seriously so psyched every time I think about it. It's like listening to a Get Psyched Mix, all rise!

Oh man, I can't believe you haven't seen it yet either! You should totally go after work tomorrow. PRIORITIZE!


agate July 15 2007, 23:16:43 UTC
Seriously, why am I friends with a whole bunch of boring lawyers who don't consider Harry Potter the most important thing in the universe at this moment? I don't even know how to communicate with them half the time, it's like we just make Peanuts teacher wah-wah noises at each other.

It is going to be like the opening summit in what will ultimately be a comprehensive Awesome Girls accord. THE AG-8.


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:24:44 UTC
Hee, seriously, stupid lawyers! How can they call themselves citizens of the world? LAME.

It is totally the opening summit! AG-8 FTW. I hope no hippies protest us, though.


kita0610 July 15 2007, 22:52:45 UTC
Fod made so many noises during the Snape/Harry scenes. As did a few other peoples nearby, but it was too dark to see who they were.

I thought the Harry/Cho kiss was sweet. You are mean. The poor boy deserves some. Also Cho is hot.

Harry/Sirius 4eva. :D


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:11:49 UTC
Haha, I BET she did. I would expect no less. Yeah, I kept hearing random clearly fandom related snickering/dolphin noises, but could never track down the source.

Hee, I thought it was sweet too, for the first hour, but then it just got creepy. :P

Yeah, geez, Harry is pretty in love with Sirius. It's hard to deny.


kita0610 July 15 2007, 23:14:00 UTC
It wasn't even that long of a kiss! You are so jaded. *G*

Yes, did you see when Harry walked in as Sirius was changing back into human form? And he is therefore Naked? Oh god, I am so going to Hell.


annakovsky July 15 2007, 23:27:07 UTC
Haha, whatever, it was way longer than I was expecting.

Heee, you and your (pseudo-)Father issues. Adorable. But for real, I just rewatched Prisoner of Azkaban over the weekend, and when Harry is talking about living with Sirius he's all, "We'll get a house in the country. Somewhere he can see the sky. I think he'd like that." Like, uh, what else is involved in this fantasy, Harry Potter? Long walks on the beach together? 400-thread count silk sheets? YIKES.


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