We are intrepid. We carry on.

Oct 24, 2005 01:18

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Comments 31

_netzach October 24 2005, 05:47:56 UTC
I liked "everything is illuminated"

it was a premium movie

(you will get that after you see it)


anna_louise October 24 2005, 05:53:07 UTC
and elijah wood is really fucking hot, too!


jduisi625 October 24 2005, 23:58:14 UTC
Finally, someone who doesn't say, "Ewwww, he's short and a hobbit and oddly effeminate!"

I've wanted to see Everything is Illuminated since I heard it was being made. And that was, like, last June. Mainly because I'm pretty much in love with Liev Schreiber.


rhmiddy5 October 24 2005, 10:48:24 UTC
wtf is The Family Stone? I know there's a band Sly and The Family Stone, but I didn't think you were referring to funk music.


anna_louise October 24 2005, 13:21:32 UTC
it is a comedy coming out near Christmas featuring Sarah Jessica Parker (who I love)


emmers210 October 24 2005, 19:36:50 UTC
i can not waiiiit for that movie!! sarah jessica parker is my all time fav.

+ rachel mcadams, and the guy from legally blonde!


anna_louise October 24 2005, 20:13:58 UTC
YES! YES YES YES! oooooh girl and it's a Christmas movie which is my favorite kind of movie cause it gets you in spirit for the season!


corail October 24 2005, 15:20:33 UTC
i almost bought this hat in germany, but my head was too big. h&m, right? i like it :D
i do think that u have a talent for photography, but maybe u really need more equipment and more training or try some literature? :)


anna_louise October 24 2005, 20:14:49 UTC
thanks!! yes, h&m :]
and yeah I think you are definitely right about that. I want to take more photo classes!


lordzion October 24 2005, 18:30:35 UTC
you look really indie


anna_louise October 24 2005, 20:15:53 UTC


kimberlyk89 October 24 2005, 19:39:05 UTC
i personally love your hat and you would make a bang up starving artsit.

hey! maybe we'll cross paths when i forego college and beocme a niftay hitchhiker and we can team up and take on america.

that'd be pretty sweet.

pssssh, ap's? not so much.


anna_louise October 24 2005, 20:18:20 UTC
HEY THANKS! we so need to cross paths even if it's like planned and hitchhike and sit in the cars of unknowing people all over this grand country!


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