We are intrepid. We carry on.

Oct 24, 2005 01:18

I bought this hat because I don't have any hats and it's ugly and I like things that are ugly.

everyone go to see Elizabethtown! I went to see it with the Germans tonight and then we went to Dinosaur Barbecue.

hello guys I am losing all motivation to do everything related to school. I don't even know what I want to do with my life after college (which right now is the plan), and besides, what the fuck, what do colleges want to see? a bunch of AP classes that I will get mediocre grades in, and (probably) failing exam grades? what the fuck guys. I just want to be a starving artist! there is so much more that I want to do like live in a city all by myself and go out and take pictures with a FILM camera and take in everything and be overwhelmed by beautiful things. I don't want to go to school and drown in school work! and at the same time I know what I want to do is unrealistic but it's so appealing and I don't care about anything else but my own personal happiness. and I would really like to pursue photography as a career but I honestly am not good at all, I have no genuine talent, o kewl I can play with a digital camera and the pictures come out mediocre, great, that will not earn me any money when I need to make something out of it. maybe it is lack of subjects? maybe it is lack of proper equipment? what do I need to get better at it? okay well just consider me dead at age 26.

again, everyone go to see Elizabethtown!

future movie must-sees on my personal list:
Memoirs of a Geisha
The Family Stone
Everything is Illuminated
North Country

hahaha it is 2 in the morning on a school night and I have done no homework and instead I am posting on LJ and I wonder why I get so stressed

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hahaha I am listening to contemporary classical music and it's cool guys you should try it

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I have decided to cut my hair short again and dye it a little bit darker JUST A LITTLE

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