
May 12, 2011 19:32

Title: Culinary Assistant
Meeting place: Kitchen
Duties: You are just putting things into the oven! The oven just happens to be a large walk in type oven. And of course the oven has to close on a timer, that's just efficient. It warns you of course, before it closes on you, but you better hurry before you become food this time.
Assigned: South Italy (rompicoglioni), Vietnam (dawnlotus), Nina Fortner (brotherseyes)

Title: Window Washer
Meeting place: Dormitory level
Duties: You're just washing windows how hard is that right? Of course, you will be suspended from a rope outside the window and you must wash every window from the top to the bottom of the tower and then be hauled back up. The rope is secure enough but what about your harness? Falling is surely a big risk and don't forget those monsters on the ground. Characters will be granted special access to an elevator for purposes of being moved outside to wash windows; all powers are nullified outside the tower walls.
Assigned: Spain (latomatetas), Taiki (isnotagiraffe)

Title: Janitor
Meeting Place: Dormitory Level
Duties: You have to clean the bathrooms. It's not a terribly horrible task, just make sure that none of your skin is exposed. It seems they forgot to dilute the chemicals they gave you, or did it on purpose for efficiency, and they'll give you bad burns. Breathing it in for too long starts to make you weaker, so get in and get out fast.
Assigned: Romeo (spiritsup), Castiel (thursdaywings), Iroh (dragonothewest)

Title: Maid
Meeting Place: Dormitory Level
Duties: Cleaning, Dusting, the basics are simple. It's when you get to the sheets and blankets that things get dicey. The water in the washer is boiling hot, no matter if it's the first or twentieth load and it tends to splash so beware. The dryer is always hot to the touch and then after all that, you have to take it back to the rooms and put them on the beds. Don't forget the hospital corners.
Assigned: Eridan Ampora (allthefeelings), Dr. Cox (drpercivalcox)

Title: Nurse
Meeting Place: Infirmary Level
Duties: You're put to work organizing new boxes of medicine on the shelves. Bottles are simple but it's the several boxes of syringes that could provide a problem. Everyone comes pre-loaded with medicine--for efficiency-- and unwrapped. Keep a delicate touch on them, who really knows what those names on the medicine means.
Assigned: Karasu (invisiblebombs), Signless (benigncancer), Karkat Vantas (cancerousnubs)

Title: Librarian
Meeting Place: Library Level
Duties: You organize and put away books. A simple but dull sort of duty really. Sure the piles of books are towering and precarious and you somewhat fear you'll be buried in books or the pile of books to put away simply will never end, but there's no real fear for your life, right?
Assigned: Roxas (lamentless)

Title: Security Officer
Meeting Place: Floor Five
Duties: Your job is to make a patrol of floors and input a code in a panel by the door. Just make sure you get it done in time, because if it takes you longer than five minutes, then you will die--simply drop dead where you stand. Just be fast!
Assigned: Germany (cantgetlaidin) Sam Winchester (xbludjunkie), Sora Himoto (allurprincess)

Title: Pool Cleaner
Meeting Place: Floor Seven
Duties: Your job is to clean the pool. You're given a scrub brush and an oxygen tank. It has ten minutes of air so make sure you time yourself and don't get stuck where you can't get out. Of course that is easier said than done.
Assigned: Suzaku Kururugi (knightofangst), Sollux (thekidsare0kay)


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