Applications will reopen January 7
- Please read all the rules and setting information before applying. It will minimize confusion once you begin playing and is just common courtesy.
- When applying for a character that has been dropped, you may want to find out their previous interactions. Chances are others will inform you if your character had CR with theirs before but you may want to pick them up from the point the previous version was dropped.
- When applying, put your character's name, canon and indicate if you reserved them in the top comment for your application.
Player Information
Name: Your name, not your character's name.
Personal LJ:
Age: Tower of Animus is a 15+ roleplay, so please be honest.
Contact Info: Any other way of contacting you. IM screen names, e-mail address, plurk, etc. AIM appears to be the common link between most players, so having a handle on AIM is preferable.
Other Characters Played: List any other characters you play at this game.
Character Information
Character Name: Name or nickname. Please put this in western order to minimize confusion!
Character Series: Name of the fandom you are applying from
Character Age: Actual age and physical age if they differ
Character Gender: This will be used to assign a room to your character; you may choose if your character is genderfluid/transsexual/etc.
Original Canon/Alternate Universe (Delete whichever is not applicable)
Canon Point: When in canon your character is pulled from, or when in their AU world.
Background Link: Please provide a link to the canon you are applying from with relevant information. Mods may not be canon familiar, so no matter how popular your canon, please provide us with a link. If your character does not have a good summary of their canon, please write it out.
AU Background: (Delete if not applicable) If you are applying for an Alternate Universe character, we will need to see the differences between the world your character came from and their canon world. This is important but it does not need be a novel. Two to three good paragraphs is acceptable. Mods reserve the right to deny an AU if we feel it makes the character into a completely different character.
Personality: This is the most important part of the application so the more detailed this is, the better. We need to see the inner workings of your character. What makes them tick, what are their motivations, their flaws and their shining points. This should be at least three strong paragraphs. Back up what you write with canon details. If you are applying for an AU character, we should see evidence of the way their altered background has or has not affected their personality. Remember, small changes are fine, encouraged even, but larger changes require more justification in the background.
Abilities: Please list and explain any abilities your character may have. Magical-type abilities will not be taken away. The only exceptions are particularly god-moding abilities, such as altering the world or traveling through dimensions. Your character will not be able to escape this world.
Sample Entry: This is the part where you show what you told us in the personality. Introduction type samples are fine but please try to avoid 'Oh no where am I, what is going on' posts. They don't give us a good idea of how the character will act after the shock has worn off. If you are having trouble coming up with a sample post, we will allow a link to a musebox/rp post. Please make sure this is long enough to get a good idea of the character.
Application Template
Player Information
Name: Personal LJ:Age: Contact Info: Other Characters Played: Character Information
Character Name: Character Series: Character Age: Character Gender: Original Canon/Alternate Universe (Delete whichever is not applicable)
Canon Point:Background Link: AU Background: (Delete if not applicable)
Personality: Abilities: Sample Entry: ---
Original Character Application Template
Player Information
Name: Personal LJ:Age: Contact Info: Other Characters Played: Character Information
Character Name:Character Age: Character Gender: World Description: Character Background: Personality: Abilities: Sample Entries: ---
Game History Transplant Application Template
Player Information
Name: Personal LJ:Age: Contact Info: Other Characters Played: Character Information
Character Name: Character Series: Character Age: Character Gender: Original Canon/Alternate Universe (Delete whichever is not applicable)
Canon Point: Former Game: Canon Background Link: AU Background: (Delete if not applicable)
Game Background: Personality: Abilities: Sample Entries: