Birthday present ideas for a 7 year old who has everything

Oct 11, 2011 10:04

Какой же у нас все-таки замечательный Пухтышкин. Спрашиваю у него, что он хочет себе на день рождения. Он отвечает "так я же уже выбрал!" -- это он выбрал набор Snap Rover

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Comments 30

arnoubea October 11 2011, 14:42:22 UTC
In my list for 7th birthday are movie or theater tickets, Lego sets, Puzzles, Labirinth game, electronic chess set, books that he wants (Harry Potter?), ask or spider magazine subscription. I was debating rollerblades, new bike or bike helmet, camelback backpack. I would have also given cocolate fix or rush hour game, soccer goals and a cool team uniform, but he already has those


angerona October 11 2011, 15:08:31 UTC
He doesn't seem to play with Lego at home, although in theory he likes Lego sets (but we also have a couple unopened ones at home). What Labirinth game? Why does one need an electronic chess set? :))). There are no books that he wants. I think he isn't yet ready for Harry Potter, even if we were to read it to him, much less for reading himself. Same for the magazine subscription -- we have Spider subscription now, and it's still way too hard for him. He isn't reading at a level where he can read anything from there.

He doesn't play soccer and has had rush hour for years :).


arnoubea October 11 2011, 15:29:50 UTC
chess set: his dad, who is the one playing chess, thinks it is a way better way to practice than playing on a screen. I don't see the point, to be honest. Does he have headphones? mp3 player? skiing equipment?

Do you like Spider's contents? Do you think there is a good contents-advertisement ration to make it worth it?


kon_ka October 11 2011, 14:47:28 UTC
Мы Маське подарили ходули
Ну, еще конечно, книжки - фильмы - наряды.


angerona October 11 2011, 15:10:38 UTC
ходули? А наряды у него за подарки не считаются :). Книжки тоже, наверное, увы.


alinaf October 11 2011, 15:08:19 UTC
Etot konstruktor otlichno vyglyadit! Nado mne budet zapomnit' ego na kogda-nibud'. :) A Goshe podari experience - bilety kuda-nibud', poxod, v muzej, na lodke, chto-to, chto on lyubit. Voz'mi day off, ego zaberi iz shkoly, provedite den' vdvoem ili vtroem s I., delaya to, chto on lyubit, kushaya morozhenoe, whatever. Dumayu, zapomnit nadolgo, luchshe, chem ocherednaya igrushka.


angerona October 11 2011, 15:10:17 UTC
his birthday is on Sunday, so the "experience" is a good idea, but we typically do things on Sunday that are experience-like (e.g. this past Sunday we went to a corn maze), so it won't necessarily feel all that different for him, and htere isn't anything he's TOO excited about. Not to mention that November options are quite limited here :).


alinaf October 11 2011, 15:13:34 UTC
Yeah, I guess save the "experience" idea for next year or after, when his b-day is on a weekday, so he'll appreciate doing something with you instead of going to school. How about a subscription to a magazine or book club for his interest? A watch or other "grown-up" thing? Some kind of super-sneakers that jump or wheel or light up or whatever? A nice journal with a lock so he can start a diary? I'm having a hard time because I don't have many 7 year old boys around.


angerona October 11 2011, 15:15:00 UTC
reading is still hard for him, so a magazine or a book club won't be really much of a treasure, I'm afraid. And he gets plenty books from school and the library.

He has a watch, has had it for years :).

Anything clothes-related is unlikely to be a present for him.

He has a journal, it's getting him to write in it that's a challenge.


babushonok October 11 2011, 15:13:04 UTC
+1 to experience comment :) we started that a while back and kids are thrilled. This year we did nyc for Daniel..he went to harry potter and pretty much all day we did what he wanted. We got ready in advance asking him what he'd like to see have somewhat of a blueprint for the day.


angerona October 11 2011, 15:15:48 UTC
we have experience trips often, and it's unlikely he'll request much of anything, except maybe a movie, but that's not big enough for a present just on its own. And in late November, the options for an outdoor experience aren't really there.


babushonok October 11 2011, 15:24:05 UTC
I know what u mean everyweekend we go somewhere....buuut what about train trip to nyc or something similar? Or museum or movie with favorite deserts....arcade and just complete junkness :) a day of pure fun ....


angerona October 11 2011, 15:32:57 UTC
a train trip in late november is quite unpredictable.


ntl October 11 2011, 15:15:24 UTC
похоже, прикольная штука эта машинка

наша просит радиоуправляемую машинку, небольшую
раньше просила мольберт (у подружки увидела)
еще хотела телескоп

мы думаем про киндл - но пока не определились


angerona October 11 2011, 15:16:35 UTC
Да, если читают, то киндл -- это классно. Но наш еще не читает так, чтоб с киндла читать :(


ntl October 11 2011, 15:17:27 UTC
киндл тач выходит после дня рождения...

правда, там еще новый год не за горами :)


angerona October 11 2011, 15:17:54 UTC
ну так не обязательно же тач :). я наоборот думаю, что ребенку лучше самый дешевый.


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