There comes a time in every fandom when a pillow fort is needed

Feb 06, 2011 16:44

I'm feeling like what the world needs now is some love, you guys, and what Inception fandom needs is so much love that they over-indulge like a kid in a candy store. You feel a little bit sick the rest of the day, but it tasted awesome so it was worth itSo, you know, I am the girl with the cookies. As a rule. There may also be cake, because I'm ( Read more... )


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Comments 717

anonymous February 6 2011, 22:51:49 UTC
First off, angelgazing is divine for hosting this, and always being ready with the pillow fort on hand. You rock, babe, and we all love for it, a million times over. Not to mention you have a sterling brain and the ideas that come out of it are asdfjl;askas, seriously, brilliant and hilarious and genius and basically I would agree to spend the rest of my fandom days just writing what you told me to write.

/ gears up to write more


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:16:11 UTC
Furthermore, I would like to add my admiration for her fannish organization abilities. She makes things happen. <3


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:45:14 UTC
Her kindness, brilliance, and general fabulousness make every day a better day ♥


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:05:20 UTC
I haven't read jibrailis's big bang yet, because I want to actually write something this year and I know it'd only remind me that I could never be even a fraction as good as that. Everything she does is so amazing it knocks me right out of the water in awe.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:43:59 UTC
Having read it, let me just say: it is so good that it was indeed almost crippling. EVEN MORE STELLAR THAN USUAL. Everything she touches turns to gold.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:48:16 UTC
Not to skimp on the compliments to Nancy's talents, many and giant as they are, but I would like to mention how funny and thoughtful she seems and how lovely I feel knowing her. Truly even though our acquaintance is recent she is one of my favorite people in fandom.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:02:19 UTC
I am so excited to read it, it's not even funny. It will be my bed time story tonight.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:11:46 UTC
I would give up semi-necessary body parts to write like gyzym.

And be as hilarious.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:27:07 UTC
Hell yeah. Seconded!


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:32:42 UTC
And thirded! I would do so many things to be able to write half as well or as quickly as she does. So many, many things.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:29:08 UTC
Jizzy, you are trufax the best person I've met out of this fandom, both in fanon-related things and rl-related things. ♥


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:14:07 UTC
I would like to mention anatsuno. In fact, I would like to gush over her while I can hide under cover of anonymity. I adore her, really I do, as a writer and a beta and a person. I love that she's so reasonable when she gets into fannish discussion, so thoughtful and careful of everyone's feeling. I love that she understands what language is, how beautiful it is and the fun one can have with it. She is an inspiration to us all.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:19:34 UTC
Totally seconding this! ana is ridiculously wonderful, and so warm. I didn't expect her to be so affectionate to me when we first met, and I have to admit, I totally basked in it. She is great, and her language skills are unparalleled. Go go ana!


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:40:44 UTC
I absolutely agree. Thoughtful commentary and the loveliest podfic! I almost feel that I know her through LJ and Twitter and her voice on my iPod! Her presence in fandom makes me happy!


anonymous February 7 2011, 01:54:11 UTC
She's a wonderful podficcer! The way she reads Eames in the podfic of "Tu es la belle et moi la bête" was so funny I nearly cried with laughter.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:18:17 UTC
cherrybina's posts make my day. She's one of the nicest people in fandom, and she always brings plenty of pictures of pretty boys to the party.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:19:19 UTC
IA. She's nice to a degree I didn't even know was possible. And she loves math <3


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:23:59 UTC
IA. My infatuation with her grows with every post and every fic. She's the nicest person I've met in any fandom, I've never seen anyone who was so friendly with everyone she speaks to.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:24:30 UTC
Inception fandom would be a much different place for me without Bina, and not in a good way either. Her journal is like the fandom watering hole -- magic happens there, and because of her warmth and charm and delightful, delightful perversions.


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