There comes a time in every fandom when a pillow fort is needed

Feb 06, 2011 16:44

I'm feeling like what the world needs now is some love, you guys, and what Inception fandom needs is so much love that they over-indulge like a kid in a candy store. You feel a little bit sick the rest of the day, but it tasted awesome so it was worth itSo, you know, I am the girl with the cookies. As a rule. There may also be cake, because I'm ( Read more... )


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anonymous February 6 2011, 23:11:46 UTC
I would give up semi-necessary body parts to write like gyzym.

And be as hilarious.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:27:07 UTC
Hell yeah. Seconded!


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:32:42 UTC
And thirded! I would do so many things to be able to write half as well or as quickly as she does. So many, many things.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:29:08 UTC
Jizzy, you are trufax the best person I've met out of this fandom, both in fanon-related things and rl-related things. ♥


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:50:36 UTC


anonymous February 7 2011, 01:51:27 UTC
Her domesticverse is legitimately the most comforting thing I've ever read. Absolutely lovely. I just want to curl up in it and fall asleep.


anonymous February 7 2011, 04:53:39 UTC
YES. I adore her work <3


anonymous February 7 2011, 06:51:40 UTC
i completely agree. her domestic verse is warm bundle of life. it's not always happy or easy, but i genuinely feel better about my day when i reread her stuff. it always makes me smile.

i'm not going to even pretend that i could ever write half as well as she does @.@ and for all that i think she's hilarious and i love her work, i am far too intimidated by her awesome-ness to try to be friends, because i am not cool enough at all :P


anonymous February 7 2011, 07:29:39 UTC
Gyzym's domesticverse is my favourite fic in the entirety of this fandom. It's pitch-perfect, and heartwarming, but HARD -- and it makes me feel so happy when I read it. Her fic is hilarious and her porn so hot. Thanks, Jizzy, for being amazing! <3 <3 <3


anonymous February 7 2011, 11:56:01 UTC
I love Jizzy for being so hyper and funny. She adds so much joy to fandom and her works are amazing.


anonymous February 7 2011, 17:37:54 UTC
The Domesticverse is glorious, and the coffee shop AU kept me sane through my exams.


anonymous February 7 2011, 21:54:08 UTC
gyzym is the one who cemented my A/E love, I agree with this statement wholeheartedly.


anonymous February 8 2011, 01:07:16 UTC
Jizz, you might be the best thing to have ever happened in the world, EVER.

Hyperbole, what's that?

No, but really. You are incredibly humble and seriously, seriously funny, and the writing, did I mention the writing? I would cut my fucking arm off to be able to write that well. Like, you can break your heart and make you laugh and make see a character in a whole new light all at the same time, and Jesus fucking Christ, where did you sell your soul, woman? Get you get me a good deal? (It's a bit tarnished, natch.)

Um um so I think what I mean is that I want to marry you from afar and sometimes less afar, hahahaha and if you ever stop writing - anything, not Inception stuff, obvs. -  I will come over there with a gun and sort your shit out. Don't make me.


anonymous February 8 2011, 02:34:11 UTC
we were once cinema gods in the night is the only Inception AU I have ever wanted to read more than once so far. She is THAT AWESOME. (And apparently she was disappointed with it? WTF.)


anonymous February 8 2011, 14:48:58 UTC
My favourite writer, hands down. She's incredible!


anonymous February 9 2011, 17:44:49 UTC
You are my favorite writer. Your coffeeshop AU even made me think of changing my life. Thank you for everything you've written. Your fics give me comfort and joy.


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