There comes a time in every fandom when a pillow fort is needed

Feb 06, 2011 16:44

I'm feeling like what the world needs now is some love, you guys, and what Inception fandom needs is so much love that they over-indulge like a kid in a candy store. You feel a little bit sick the rest of the day, but it tasted awesome so it was worth itSo, you know, I am the girl with the cookies. As a rule. There may also be cake, because I'm ( Read more... )


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anonymous February 6 2011, 23:05:20 UTC
I haven't read jibrailis's big bang yet, because I want to actually write something this year and I know it'd only remind me that I could never be even a fraction as good as that. Everything she does is so amazing it knocks me right out of the water in awe.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:43:59 UTC
Having read it, let me just say: it is so good that it was indeed almost crippling. EVEN MORE STELLAR THAN USUAL. Everything she touches turns to gold.


anonymous February 6 2011, 23:48:16 UTC
Not to skimp on the compliments to Nancy's talents, many and giant as they are, but I would like to mention how funny and thoughtful she seems and how lovely I feel knowing her. Truly even though our acquaintance is recent she is one of my favorite people in fandom.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:02:19 UTC
I am so excited to read it, it's not even funny. It will be my bed time story tonight.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:17:19 UTC
YES. SO MUCH YES. I love her writing more than most of what's on my bookshelf, she's just that good.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:24:37 UTC
She's also one of the nicest and friendliest people in this fandom, and I think that's saying something, considering how nice and friendly most of this fandom is. She's always so upbeat and willing to talk to anyone who talks to her or leaves her a comment and it's a joy to leave her feedback for her stories because you know she'll reply, no matter what.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:28:09 UTC
The fact that there are even people who try to play like she isn't amazing kind of boggles my mind. She's just such a lovely human and a talented, fantastic person, and she makes my flist a better place. ILU NANCE.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:38:52 UTC
Jibrailis. You are one of the best people in my world right now. I know I'm a bit pathetic but thank you so much for being so kind to me. And then: your fics are a delightful read, always. I'm honored to have chatted with you; I love you more than ever.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:40:44 UTC
It breaks my fucking heart that anybody has been able to make you doubt yourself. I know how easy it happens, but still. You are literally best of the best, cream of the crop, I would sacrifice a million goats to have a tenth of your skill. I love that you big bang was something different and quiet and meaningful. I know you can't help it, but seriously, try no to let it bug you. They just wanted more lulz, and the fact you chose to do something different will never ever mean you are terrible.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:43:26 UTC
god, jibrailis, she's like, one of the sweetest, warmest, funniest, loveliest, truest, most wonderful person I have met in fandom, ever, and wow, I just think, if the world were made up of clones of you, baby, there would be nothing bad anymore here :)
also, your writing is amazing, no matter what other people say. them spewing hate says a lot more about their own character than it will ever about you or your writing.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:45:41 UTC
I think I've read jibrailis's bb fic about ten times and it never got old so I think that's saying something. I regularly have palpitations of joy while reading her fic.

And let's face it, which other author could take a prompt that asks for Eames liking juice boxes of all things and make it as epic, funny and hot like she has done? No one. She's a star.


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:48:21 UTC
I agree! I have to admit I track the anon meme, mostly because sometimes I have good fun times with people there (hi guys, it's chorewheel!anon!), but the negativity is boring at best and hateful at worst. Anyway I digress, but I saw the thread re:jibrailis' big bang, and I love everything she writes so much, so I was sad to see people ragging on her work. And then I read it and they were so wrong anyway; it was wonderful.
So jibrailis, if you're reading this, know that your fics- and more importantly, you- are loved.

I'm glad we get to build pillow forts here :)


anonymous February 7 2011, 00:50:02 UTC
She is amazing. And kind. And amazing.


anonymous February 7 2011, 02:01:23 UTC
Nancy made me feel welcome to Inception fandom, and always makes sure to comment on my posts even when they're boring and no one else comments. It's amazing how that one little thing made my days so much better. If it weren't for Nancy, I probably still wouldn't be here.

She also remains the best writer I know, and it fucking breaks my heart that people are making her doubt herself. There is absolutely nothing I don't love about Nancy, from her personality to her fics to her amazing sense of humour. I would fight a million wars for her.


anonymous February 7 2011, 02:21:59 UTC
I adore your fic but in addition to being insanely talented you are also one of the nicest people in this fandom. I wish I was brave enough to friend you.


anonymous February 7 2011, 03:17:43 UTC
Oops, forgot to anon. But this, a thousand times over. <3


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