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Comments 13

Come back when he shags a dead pig, says jaded Britain cartesiandaemon January 12 2017, 13:09:51 UTC
I saw a couple of jokes like that. And I found them funny, but I don't think I *should* have done. It's only funny because urine play is marginalised as a sexual fetish. But it shouldn't be -- most people find it weirder than average, but AFAIK it's just as harmless and not of people's choice as most other fetishes. I find it hard to hold to that belief when there's jokes crying out for making: I think I *should*, but I think most people don't take that seriously.

And note, I don't care if it's humiliating for *Trump*. Any number of things about it were really dodgy: if there's any truth to it (and it does sound like something someone would have manufactured) it doesn't sound like Trump was necessarily into it, more like, he had a creepy obsession with the Obamas. But if I assume some people I know *are* into that, I know every joke will likely make them feel awful.


RE: Come back when he shags a dead pig, says jaded Britain andrewducker January 12 2017, 13:34:17 UTC
I don't think that "should" applies to humour. Either you found it funny or you didn't.

You can argue that just because you found it funny that doesn't make it ok to say it - and that's a perfectly reasonably judgement to make.

In this case I saw it more as a statement about how kinkiness is no longer seen as a big thing, and that frankly golden showers aren't that much of a deal.

(Also, if people want to have sex with food then I have no issue with that either. Of all of the issues I have with David Cameron, university drunken bets where nobody was hurt and no damage was done are waaaay off the bottom of the list.)


Taiwan's smog-eating twisting tower cartesiandaemon January 12 2017, 13:10:29 UTC
That does look lovely, but I also remember a rule of thumb someone told me: assume any building covered in plants will fail.


RE: Taiwan's smog-eating twisting tower andrewducker January 12 2017, 13:34:36 UTC
I shall hope that this tests the rule!


RE: Taiwan's smog-eating twisting tower danieldwilliam January 12 2017, 13:46:19 UTC
I was thinking the same thing. I understand it's the wind.


RE: Taiwan's smog-eating twisting tower andrewducker January 12 2017, 13:52:24 UTC

danieldwilliam January 12 2017, 15:22:14 UTC
On the Trump business ( ... )


Tidal Lagoon danieldwilliam January 12 2017, 15:31:42 UTC
I'm not convinced that tidal lagoons are the way forward or that they could achieve a price competative with nuclear power but I'd be interested in seeing one be built to test my scepticism ( ... )


nancylebov January 12 2017, 17:09:17 UTC
I don't trust any diet study which doesn't include a five year follow-up.


octopoid_horror January 12 2017, 18:21:36 UTC
Also, the concept of a carefully planned low calorie / intermittent fasting diet helping you lose weight is not necessarily a shocking conclusion. Unless you are particularly interested in toxins and oxidative stress I guess. Maybe that is meant to be the important bit, because less calories and IF are pretty well known ways of losing weight (and very effective if you have discipline for the latter)


nancylebov January 12 2017, 19:11:02 UTC
Most people don't stay on diets for the long haul, so health claims have to be balanced against whether the diet is tolerated.


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