Interesting Links for 12-01-2017

Jan 12, 2017 12:00

Come back when he shags a dead pig, says jaded Britain (tags: sex usa UK politics funny ) A climate scientists answeres questions about the large slab of ice breaking off an Antarctic glacier (tags: antarctic snow globalwarming ) America’s Fastest-Growing Loans Has Echoes of Subprime Crisis (tags: loans economics OhForFucksSake ) Each year, half a million horseshoe crabs are captured and bled alive to create an unparalleled biomedical technology. (tags: crabs medicine ocean ) 'It's a financial cliff edge': how Britain fell back in love with credit cards (tags: credit debt uk ) Librarians in Florida went rogue to save 2,361 books from an algorithm (tags: books library fraud ) Superhero culture magnifies aggressive, not defending behaviors (tags: superheroes aggression children behaviour psychology ) 10 Discworld Quotes You'll Desperately Need for the Next Four Years  (tags: pratchett quotes ) Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog (tags: fox dogs ) Tidal lagoon: £1.3bn Swansea Bay project to be backed (tags: power ocean wales uk ) Are WiFi users a boon or bane of coffee shops? (tags: work wifi coffee shopping ) Spinning spider silk is now possible (tags: spiders Technology ) Stop treating life as a series of moral parables (tags: life statistics predictions advice ) Africa is witnessing birth of a new ocean (tags: africa ocean ) 'Puppy talk' - why do we use it and do dogs respond? (tags: dogs language speech viaSwampers ) Taiwan's smog-eating twisting tower (tags: taiwan architecture pollution ) Conservatives prefer nouns, liberals prefer adjectives (tags: language politics ) Some interesting diet research. Anyone know anything more about this? (tags: diet health ) Playful people are at an advantage (tags: psychology ) Our senses can't learn under stress (tags: stress learning ) Original post on Dreamwidth - there are
comments there.

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