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danieldwilliam January 12 2017, 15:22:14 UTC
On the Trump business.

Intellectually I'm in the His Kink Is Not My Kink But His Kink Is Okay camp although a good part of me goes "Ewww" or perhaps "How predicable."

What's worrying is that, if true, he appears to have sought out an opportunity to sexually desecrate President Obama, his wife, their marriage and the office of the President. Which is not a happy starting place for the next president or a person.

I also think I'm in a minority of people who think that unusual sexual activity doesn't automatically make someone less suitable for a public position. So, if true, he's left himself open to blackmail or ridicule. Which impacts on the legitimacy of the office and the office holder.

(and I found this interesting on legitimacy)

I'm also enjoying the irony that the accusations that he has conspired with the Russian government to swing the election, been bribed and blackmailed by them and continues to be so but it's all secret and can't be proven or disproven are a pretty cute synthesis of the Birther business and the Benghazi business. They might not be true but they are probably truthy and people on the left who are inclined to believe the worst of Trump will do so.

Although as Stonekettle Station suggests perhaps those of us who disagree with Trump should be careful about not behaving as those we oppose have behaved in the last decade both because it is wrong and because to do so fundamentally undermines the legitimacy of the idea of public office.


Still, more important considerations are how he manages the conflicts of interest between his business and political activities, the properness of the Electoral College, how united Republicans are or can be around a platform that Trump can sign off on and whether he will turn out to be evil, incompetent, evilly incompentent, imcompetently evil or just a massive, massive tool.


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