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Comments 31

bart_calendar July 25 2013, 11:35:09 UTC
Bisexuality is still a huge issue for as far as I can tell for many people.

If you are a male bisexual many women see you as either a disease vector, someone looking for a beard or both. And as somehow less "manly." Gay men on the other hand will say things like "I can't kiss you thinking about where your mouth has been" and scream at you that you are really gay and just taking advantage of straight privilege. (If you are a bottom, though, they often won't give you this shit until after you've sucked their dick/fucked you. Imagine that.)

If you are a female bisexual many lesbians assume you are really straight and just mad at men for a while and/or just trying to turn men on. Men on the other hand assume that you will prefer fucking them but be willing to set up MFF threesomes with them.

It's all such patriarchal bullshit, because it all boils down to "well, if you think you like both, of course you'll eventually choose dick."


alitheapipkin July 25 2013, 12:54:49 UTC
Or the whole 'you're just gay and in denial' nonsense, which I find can be remarkably insidious at times :(


bart_calendar July 25 2013, 14:36:40 UTC
At times?

It's constant and insane. And easily disproven by biology. If a woman gets wet for you she likes your gender. If a dude gets hard for you he likes your gender.

It's so fucking ridiculous (and one of the few situations where gay people are just as fucked up/patriarchal as straight people.)


alitheapipkin July 25 2013, 14:57:34 UTC
I meant personally when I said at times, as in I've found myself wondering it about myself at times even though I live inside my head and in my body and I damnwell **know** it isn't true. That insidious. Even though no-one has ever said it to me personally that I recall.


makyo July 25 2013, 12:03:00 UTC
Say Goodbye to the Tech Sounds You'll Never Hear Again (although at least two of these are wrong)
In last Friday morning's graduation ceremony here at Warwick (maths and psychology) we gave an honorary doctorate to Robert Calderbank, who amongst other things is credited with helping to invent voiceband coding and thereby, as the professor introducing him put it, responsible for that strange buzzing and beeping sound that modems used to make.


momentsmusicaux July 25 2013, 13:12:17 UTC
I'm wondering which two are wrong.


alitheapipkin July 25 2013, 13:47:05 UTC
Well, landlines are by no means dead, and you still find payphones in a lot of rural places in the UK which are too hilly for decent mobile phone coverage. (I also still have a tape deck and CD player but I'm a self confessed luddite). Also I don't think that type of bike gears are as rare as they seem to think... Also film cameras possibly?


a_pawson July 25 2013, 15:36:32 UTC
CD players are a long way from being extinct, which is hardly surprising as in 2012 CD sales were still larger those of digital downloads.


momentsmusicaux July 25 2013, 13:09:12 UTC
The moss graffiti article is missing a step: buy a new blender that you'll want to use for food.


fub July 25 2013, 17:25:43 UTC
We have been on Okunoshima -- Bunny Island. Took a train trip of more than an hour from Hiroshima, and then the ferry-ride to the island. It was a really nice experience.
We rented bikes and went around the island, away from the crowds at the main meadow in front of the hotel -- where most people stayed and where most of the rabbits were concentrated. Everywhere we went and paused (there are some cool ruins all over the island), the bunnies came to check us out.

It's out of the way from pretty much everywhere, but it's a nice daytrip!


andrewducker July 25 2013, 20:31:33 UTC
I want to go there and be covered in bunnies!


penguin!!!!! snarlish July 25 2013, 20:04:18 UTC
part of me wishes i had discovered the wonderful story of the penguin who went to the fish shop via a childrens book illustrated by Oliver Jeffers or somesuch, instead of a serief of gifs, but oh did that make me happy


Re: penguin!!!!! andrewducker July 25 2013, 20:27:32 UTC
I want to see it in action!

Also, more penguin-related cuteness tomorrow.


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