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bart_calendar July 25 2013, 11:35:09 UTC
Bisexuality is still a huge issue for as far as I can tell for many people.

If you are a male bisexual many women see you as either a disease vector, someone looking for a beard or both. And as somehow less "manly." Gay men on the other hand will say things like "I can't kiss you thinking about where your mouth has been" and scream at you that you are really gay and just taking advantage of straight privilege. (If you are a bottom, though, they often won't give you this shit until after you've sucked their dick/fucked you. Imagine that.)

If you are a female bisexual many lesbians assume you are really straight and just mad at men for a while and/or just trying to turn men on. Men on the other hand assume that you will prefer fucking them but be willing to set up MFF threesomes with them.

It's all such patriarchal bullshit, because it all boils down to "well, if you think you like both, of course you'll eventually choose dick."


alitheapipkin July 25 2013, 12:54:49 UTC
Or the whole 'you're just gay and in denial' nonsense, which I find can be remarkably insidious at times :(


bart_calendar July 25 2013, 14:36:40 UTC
At times?

It's constant and insane. And easily disproven by biology. If a woman gets wet for you she likes your gender. If a dude gets hard for you he likes your gender.

It's so fucking ridiculous (and one of the few situations where gay people are just as fucked up/patriarchal as straight people.)


alitheapipkin July 25 2013, 14:57:34 UTC
I meant personally when I said at times, as in I've found myself wondering it about myself at times even though I live inside my head and in my body and I damnwell **know** it isn't true. That insidious. Even though no-one has ever said it to me personally that I recall.


bart_calendar July 25 2013, 15:11:08 UTC
I hear it all the time from people. But, I am fairly often in gay bars yet have a heterosexual poly partner which seems to attract vocal judgement from all areas of the sexual spectrum.


bart_calendar July 25 2013, 15:11:38 UTC
Not that my partner is 100 percent heterosexual, just that she is not a member of my gender.


alitheapipkin July 25 2013, 15:28:33 UTC
Everyone who doesn't know me well enough to know otherwise assumes I'm straight - I have no idea which is worse, having never experienced the opposite assumption, but I do know that is infuriating.


bart_calendar July 25 2013, 15:36:02 UTC
For me if I'm in a straight bar most people assume I'm straight. If I'm in a gay bar everyone assumes I'm gay and pretending to be straight.

The exemption to this rule is that for reasons I don't quite understand women in straight bars in their mid to late 30s assume I'm gay when they talk to me and act shocked when they realize I'm not. Their explanation when I've asked is some assumption that a guy in his early 40s with no wedding ring on and the free time to be in a bar during the week instead of dealing with children must be gay unless there is an obvious female partner sitting next to him. Younger women and women in their 40s don't make that assumption. It's weird.

I find all the assumptions equally boring.


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