So a few weeks ago, my desktop flashed me the blue screen of death. I did a reset and sort of got it back but not really because suddenly weird things were happening, although VISTA had loaded and was working. ISH. Anyway, beyond my pay grade so I took it into Staples which is pretty much our only resourse as far as tech support goes given where
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Comments 17
I love you so much right now!
(That said, given a choice between 7 and Vista, I'll take 7, and then again, and again... ahem. But seriously. Nine and northern accent, preferably.)
And and and. Safe trip, I hope you get some time to spend on me :-P (I'll try) and. Mmmm con!
I'll go outside, turn aroudn three times and spit for you. I work in the theatre. I know from jinxes.
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