Title: Attack on the School: Not Your Usual Spy
andersenmomClaim: Coed School
Prompt: Table 4: 39 - animal
Fandom: rpf: Coed School
Rating: G
Word Count: 325
Summary: Hoon sends Eli’s kitten to spy on the battle outside.
Notes/Warnings: Part of the Mutant!verse created by
dizzy_grace and I.
Written for
Disclaimer: Not mine, not true.
Table Related to:
Mutual Aid Previous:
Fair Warning,
First Sortie,
Not My Job,
Distractive Measures,
Sound Tracks The kitten - Eli still hadn't named her, but Hoon didn't care as much as some of the girls seemed to - looked at him with surprised eyes. "Oh, please," he said, rolling his eyes. "You know exactly what I want."
Currently, Eli worked with Gyuri and someone KwangHaeng had brought in, this one injured, not like KangHo who'd collapsed in exhaustion in the corner. The kitten didn't want to leave him, which Hoon understood. But he thought everyone would like some sort of news, even if it came from an animal, and he figured no one would notice her anyway. She tilted her head at him, then heaved a great sigh and went.
Hoon turned to help with the next person brought in, and so didn't notice she'd returned until he stepped away from the bed to wash his hands. He was learning more than he ever wanted to about the human body - he figured he'd lucked out with his talent - but he didn't need to know how to heal to help out, and Gyuri needed hands more than anything else.
The kitten meowed and tugged with a claw on his pants, and he took a moment to pick her up. He wouldn't be able to send her out again; she'd really disliked it, but he got a few things from her dislike: SungMin and SooHyun were working well together (Loud noises), there were weird things walking around (he figured out those were the statues on the front walk, animated), and even the plants were working with them (Narsha-sshi hadn't seen the kitten, so one of her plants had tried to snare her). Hoon calmed her and sent her to Eli, squelching the wish that HE could curl up with Eli the way the kitten did, and purr contentedly on his shoulder.
And then Gyuri yelled his name, and he abandoned the thought to go help her with the next one KwangHaeng had brought in.