Map of your head (chapter 7)

May 01, 2011 21:29

Title: Map of your head
Fandom: U-KISS
Characters & Pairings: Elvin, Xander, OFC, other possible episodic characters.
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Humor, Drama
Summary: "Because the language confuses, like computers refuse to understand how I'm feeling today."
Eli is new to this world. Kevin makes him feel like home.
Disclaimer: The title belongs to English rock-band Muse, as well as the lyrics, extracted from their 2002 album entitled ”Hullabaloo”. I am in no way, shape or form affiliated with the named group, or any characters presented in this writing. No copyright infringement intended.
Read: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6

Day twenty-three.

Eli was never unsure of his sexuality. He never felt the need to question all the attractions he felt towards people, because those people always consisted in girls. Sure he met handsome guys once in a while, and sure he would look at them for some time, and then, even more sure, he went on with his life, not bothering to think about them again. And then Kevin came, bubbly, energetic, silly, happy, gorgeous Kevin, who turned everything upside down and made a mess out of Eli’s life, but boy - he sure as hell enjoyed it.

And who really cared if Eli was indeed bisexual? Maybe his mother would wince a bit at the thought, considering that ever since Eli was a baby, she pictured him married with a beautiful wife, and equally beautiful children, living in a fancy mansion situated on the outskirts of a big city, whose inside was luxurious, because Eli would become a famous doctor and make cash loads. And maybe she would even cringe if she found out that her most-precious son became a nurse instead, living in a sloppy apartment, with barely any money to take a daily cab. But now Eli had Kevin, and his mother could wait.

He poured some coffee in a thermos, took his keys and his jacket and left the house. He was eager to see his new-found boyfriend, but at the same time concerned over heels. They both had agreed that discretion was going to be crucial if they wanted this to work, especially around nurse Bess and the doctors. Kevin initially wanted to tell Alexander the entire story, but Eli stopped him. He wasn’t sure how understanding he would react if he found out - in fact, he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be understanding at all. No matter how much he cared about Kevin, hospital policy was like second religion to him, and Eli could have been in big trouble if the news had reached his ears by any chance.

Sometimes Kevin whined about how cold he felt and how much he could use an extra blanket. Or a person. But who really needed a piece of cloth when Eli was there to offer his body heat? Oddly enough, Kevin would always start to shiver whenever Eli was preparing to get out of his room and take care of his hospital duties. And even more oddly, he would stop trembling exactly after he returned in bed with him and cuddled him tight, like he was programmed by a remote control. But no matter how much Eli knew this was probably acting, or just an excuse to make him stay longer, he didn’t really mind and just complied to whatever Kevin’s pleads were. Other times, Eli had the dreadful habit of talking in medical terms, which drew Kevin mad, because he didn’t know the meaning of most of them, not even with all of his reading. The older didn’t realize he had develop this tendency during university, but he would occasionally use words like ‘Dermatan sulfate’ or ‘Nucleic acid hybridization’ which resulted in a perplexed Kevin.

After the kissing incident in front of Kevin’s room, they didn’t share such a gesture again. Eli would kiss him on the forehead, or on the cheek, but never on the lips. Kevin wasn’t complaining, since he agreed that a slow process was in need, if they wanted for Eli to get accustomed to the situation, but a feeling of something missing was steadily beginning to emerge. The older wanted to kiss him more than words could say, however he still felt uneasy about it. He felt like something was wrong.

And frankly, many things were wrong.

For once, Kevin was a patient. A mentally-institutionalized patient that was in constant need of medication and attention, not to mention programs designed to help him come out of his shield and defeat his fears. But was such a person not allowed to love, or to be loved, simply because he had a condition? Of course not. Then why did it still feel like something wasn’t right? Second, Eli was an employee who was ordered to follow hospital policy. And hospital policy clearly stated and any sort of affectionate interactions between the staff and the residents were severely prohibited. If anybody were to find out, Eli knew he had to kiss his nursing license goodbye. But should one still follow such strict rules when love is involved? Of course not. Yet still again, something didn’t feel quite right.

After visiting his house last time, Kevin made him promise to take him again soon. He was so eager to go out with Eli again, that he started mentioning it with almost every occasion he founded suited. Eli didn’t understand all the hassle about his apartment, since the completely non-spectacular environment didn’t have much to offer, but apparently Kevin’s reasons hid something more.

‘Well, now it will be different from last time’ he shyly announced one day, while they were eating in his room.

‘And how’s that?’ Eli asked with his mouth full, enjoying the fact that Alexander wasn’t around to nag at him for not respecting table etiquette.

‘You know… it will be more like a date.’

Eli stopped chewing and looked at him.

‘If you want to, of course. I understand if it’ll be weird for you.’ the younger added quickly, seeing the surprise in his eyes.

‘So you want a date, huh.’ Eli smiled, for some reason very confident. Dating was pretty much his domain, since going out with many girls in the past allowed him to gain experience. ‘Have you dated before?’

‘Not officially.’ Kevin answered.

‘What do you mean? Is there an official and unofficial way of dating?’

‘Depending on how you look at it.’ Kevin thought for a moment. ‘I think in my case there is.’

Eli was surprised to hear that, since he knew Kevin had had very little contact with people throughout his lifetime. Additionally, being transferred from hospital to hospital probably meant he didn’t get to go out much.

‘There was somebody, a few years ago’ he started, placing the rice cake he was holding down. ‘He got sent here for completing the last part of his rehabilitation program. He had the same condition as I do, but in his case, it was far less advanced. He only spent a year here, before recovering completely and leaving to take part in the society again. He was nice.’

‘What was his name?’ Eli asked, taken aback by Kevin’s story.

‘Kiseop. He was the same age as me, only by a few months older. I still remember the first day he arrived here. I was in the library, looking over some photography albums. I didn’t feel like reading that day, so I was just staring at the pictures. And then he walked into the library, spotted me sitting in my usual place, but kept his distance. I knew he was constantly looking over, even if he sited some good five tables away, but I didn’t say anything. I didn’t like him much at first, because whenever somebody talked, he had this weird way of looking at them. It made you feel analyzed.’

Eli realized he had the habit of doing that too, sometimes, but didn’t interrupt Kevin.

‘It was like that the first few days. He mostly kept it to himself, he didn’t really talk to anybody. He didn’t even open to Xander, who is really hard not to like, with all his smiles and hyperactivity.’

‘Right.’ Eli thought.

‘But somehow, he managed to open to me. I think it was the similar condition we both possessed that made him trust me. In the beginning he only talked in short, carefully-thought sentences. He didn’t really confined in people. And after a while, he started talking in novels. He shared with me his passions, his dreams, his secrets. I never saw him mad, or bitter, which was the one thing I liked about him. And before I knew it, I was starting to fall for him and vice versa.’

‘Was he the first person you ever liked?’

‘Yes, he was.’ Kevin answered, which disappointed Eli. He would have liked to be Kevin’s first.

‘So you became a couple after that?’ Eli asked again. He knew he probably should have at least pretended he wasn’t this desperate to find out more, but seeing Kevin being comfortable on this subject made him continue with the interrogation.

‘I don’t know if we were ever truly together, because we never put a label to our relationship. But I guess you could say that.’

‘So what happened in the end? Did he just leave?’

Kevin smiled bitterly.

‘I remember when he came to me one morning and announced that he was going to depart from here, because he passed all the trials he went through. I was happy for him, but at the same time sad for me. He just seemed so thrilled and carefree, I didn’t dare telling him to stay with me. That would have been selfish. And I don’t blame him, I mean who wouldn’t want to rejoin with everything the outside has to offer? But he promised me, before leaving, that he would come back for me one day.’

Eli’s face suddenly changed, from curious to hopeless. Kevin laughed.

‘Oh, no, calm down.’ he said smiling. ‘It was years ago, it won’t happen anyway. I stopped dreaming after a while, when I realized that no one would want to be stuck with a mental person. It’s just too much of a burden.’

‘I would.’ Eli suddenly said, surprising both himself and Kevin.

‘Are you saying that just to make me feel better? That’s not nice.’ the younger said smirking.

‘Are you saying I’m not nice?’ Eli asked incredulously. ‘I’m the definition of nice. If you look up ‘nice’ in the dictionary, you’re going to see my picture there. Nice is my middle name. Nice is my twin sister. Me and nice are like peas and carrots. I eat nice for breakfast. In fact, I had sex with nice last night and…’

‘Okay, okay, I get.’ Kevin laughed. ‘You’re nice.’

Kevin repositioned himself after that, coming closer to Eli and placing his head on his shoulder, while his arm landed on his stomach. Eli was endowed a six pack, and Kevin loved the feeling of those little bumps underneath his shirt. He started caressing them gently, and the older couldn’t help but smile at the pleasant sensation which made him tummy flutter. He placed a kiss on Kevin’s forehead, then lifted his chin with his fingers. He looked him in the eyes.

Kevin’s face was even more angelic when it was up-close. His eyes became suddenly big and round, and he had that curious and innocent expression on that made Eli want to hold him like that forever.

‘I have an idea.’ Kevin suddenly spoke up, lifting himself on one elbow. ‘We could run at night.’

Eli looked confused.

‘You know, like they do in the movies. We’ll leave when all the lights are turned off, and come back in the morning, before everybody even noticed we were gone. We’ll go at your house and sleep there.’

Eli couldn’t believe his ears. He knew Kevin had plenty of imagination, as well as a well-developed sense of adventure, but this was just way over the top.

‘Kevin…’ he sighed. ‘We can’t do that. It’s completely against the rules.’

‘So is lying to the staff. But you did it when you convinced Xander and nurse Bess to take me out.’

‘That was a completely different case. They knew we were going to be together and only for a few hours. Besides, we asked for their permission.’

‘What difference does it make?’

‘It makes all the difference in the world, believe me. We’ll both get in a lot of trouble for this. More myself than you.’

‘But only if they find out. We can be really careful and plan everything in detail, they won’t even suspect the slightest thing.’ Kevin was being stubborn.

‘Kev, listen to me. If, by any chance, they find out, or if somebody sees us leaving, I’ll get either fired, or sued for kidnapping you. Or both. I want to do this, I really do, but it’s risky for both of us. Just imagine what would the consequences be like.’

‘But it won’t be considered kidnapping if I come along by will.’ Kevin mumbled, looking down.

Eli laughed and kissed him on the tip of his nose.

‘It doesn’t matter how good our intentions are, if they’re against the rules. Let’s wait a while longer.’

‘Wait. Everybody is telling me to wait.’ Kevin got up and paced towards the window. ‘Wait until I come back for you, Kevin, wait for your parents to visit you, have patience, they’re busy, wait a little more and you’ll be out of here, be understanding, taking the pills is for your own good, wait until the program is over, wait, wait, wait. It’s like I never advance, I’m always stuck in the present. I’m tired of waiting.’

Eli was shocked. That was the first time he saw Kevin angry. Well, it wasn’t particularly anger, but he sure looked highly upset. He didn’t really know how to react, so he got up and embraced him from behind. Kevin went suddenly weak, and let the back of his head collapse on his shoulder. He let out a deep sigh.

Eli kissed him on the neck gently.

‘I know you’re upset now, and what I’m about to say probably won’t make much of a difference, but one day things will improve. They always do. And even if you’re tired of it now, you must have patience. For some people, it takes a lifetime to achieve their dreams, while others obtain it in a split second. But they all have one thing in common - patience.’

Kevin turned towards him and placed his arms around his neck. He really felt like kissing him, but he was afraid he would push things too far again. Besides, Eli assured him he wanted this just as much as he did, so all he needed was more time. And, again, more patience.

What he didn’t see coming, though, was Eli’s sudden closure, which made his heart beat faster. Eli grabbed him gently by the waist and locked his body against his own, while softly caressing his cheek with the tip of his nose. He then moved one arm up his back, until he was holding him by the neck. It was now impossible for Kevin to move.

The stood pressed against each other for a couple of seconds. It made both of them tremble, but it felt better that any other sensation they felt before. They were thinking ‘He smells so good’ in unison, which ran a pleasant shiver down their spines. When Eli’s head became so full of Kevin that he couldn’t take it anymore, he decided to end the little space that was left between them and kiss him.

It started with a slow and cautious pace, like they were trying to figure each other out for the first time. Eli brushed his lips against Kevin’s, making him flutter with excitement. In response, Kevin applied a little pressure, causing the older to open his mouth unhurriedly. Eli’s tongue started exploring Kevin’s mouth like it was hungry for more, causing him to moan. He twirled the younger one’s tongue with his own, licked the palate and then stopped for a short second, retreating his tongue and determining Kevin to follow him back. Kevin did, and they continued sharing a long and lazy kiss for minutes after that.

When Eli broke the contact, he kept his eyes closed for a moment, relishing the pleasant taste Kevin left behind. It felt so good and so right, that breaking the rules didn’t really seem so much of a dilemma anymore. Because he knew he would do it for Kevin. He was capable of running away with him just to make him happy, even if that included losing his job.

He opened his eyes and met Kevin’s, who was radiating with happiness.

elvin, fanfic, u-kiss

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