
Mar 05, 2011 00:35

have hit 30% of my yearly total as of 3/4/11.

errr, anyone want a drabble?

Heero Yuy, Perfect Idol (parte deux)
a snuggle with Arthur & Eames
alternatively, arthur & eames snuggle
chasing away those shots, Toma/Maki
teabagging, Arthur/Eames.

read at your own risk, ok giving up i want inception fic, commentfic, gywo, this is not my fandom (yet), ficcage

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this fill is not what you were hoping for. anamuan April 16 2011, 04:44:30 UTC
Neither of them really like it, but a job's a job. This happens to be a very good job, and whatever else you can say about Arthur, he's interested in doing a good job of things. Eames is too, or they wouldn't still be working together, five years after Cobb retired entirely from professional dreaming.

"Nice touch with the signs," Arthur says, pulling on a T-shirt that says RECLAIMING HONOR on the front.

Eames is wearing a shirt with a striking eagle on it, American flag flying in the background. He picked it out himself because--even with the American twang he's taking on for this bit of recon, so no one else will know (hopefully)--the irony delights him. He's really pulled enough cons that this should be old hat by now, but I AM A STEALTH ENGLISHMAN is still, really, very exciting ( ... )


Re: this fill is not what you were hoping for. bauble April 19 2011, 01:09:33 UTC
Haha. Oh you :)


Re: this fill is not what you were hoping for. anamuan April 19 2011, 01:19:26 UTC
in all seriousness, i'm not sure i can pull of a decent teabagging fic. :( i'm sorry! otoh, i am working on the other prompt!


Re: this fill is not what you were hoping for. bauble April 19 2011, 01:26:02 UTC
Haha, it's all good :)


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