i love you and that's what you are getting yourself into

Aug 14, 2009 17:42

came home to find an envelope stuck in my door with move in forms inside, so i guess i can no longer dodge my inflated move-in fee. at least they waited the 6 months it took me to save enough money to actually pay it. :\\ though there goes the money i just transferred to my savings account *sigh*

coffeeandice: Coffee. Cure for universal evils. Killed a man in ( Read more... )

疲れてるけど, with the doom!, i am angry!, baito, quotes without context, dream, sleep, socializing ftw

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Comments 8

fluttering August 14 2009, 22:24:54 UTC
you crazy social butterfly. ♥


anamuan August 15 2009, 03:49:48 UTC
crazy is right!


gingifere August 15 2009, 00:16:05 UTC
dead. that ritz quote reminds me of the london bombings one about tea. we are rather fond of witty commentary here :D

How did the evening out go?


anamuan August 15 2009, 03:49:32 UTC
it was surprisingly fun. the food was good (though i paid more than my fair share, really), conversation was not totally awkward, and i've never seen the monuments close up at night (and it's been a couple years since i was really at the monuments at all). It involved a lot of walking, but i didn't think it was that bad, and the night was warm (instead of freezing or really hot), so. yes. of course i'm currently looking down my nose at the 3 boys who were with me and stillesprite because they whinged a lot about how far we were walking. pansies.


ky_rin August 15 2009, 06:39:53 UTC
COFFEE. I agree.


anamuan August 15 2009, 14:35:16 UTC
you always did have good taste.


therelic August 20 2009, 05:03:23 UTC
Where was Tego going/coming from and can she give more details as to why she was not sure if the flight attendant was male or female?


anamuan August 20 2009, 11:57:58 UTC
She was going to a wedding in Indiana, where she was a bridesmaid. Because they were presenting ambiguously. pantsuit, hair tied up in a clip, no make-up, low voice, nothing done with short nails, etc.


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