i love you and that's what you are getting yourself into

Aug 14, 2009 17:42

came home to find an envelope stuck in my door with move in forms inside, so i guess i can no longer dodge my inflated move-in fee. at least they waited the 6 months it took me to save enough money to actually pay it. :\\ though there goes the money i just transferred to my savings account *sigh*

coffeeandice: Coffee. Cure for universal evils. Killed a man in reno? Coffee. Original sin? Coffee. Really bad hair? Coffee.

dreamt a lot about it being friday, so yay! it's actually friday this time! the weirdest was probably the one with all the bees, as in, we were all bees, everyone i knew, and mom ended up not being empregnated, which made our colony queenless (which is bad for dream!bees) but some older sister (i don't have) was like oh! it's ok! because um? pregnant? and then we had a queen again

Tego: A flight attendant just walked by, and i can't tell if it was a man or a woman

it's been a long and still pretty social week, particularly considering how just about everyone's left town XD. Monday was spent at Tego's catching up supernatural. Tuesday we caught dinner with Krisztina and Anne at Panera. Actually, all three of them have left town now, Tego to a wedding in Indianna, Krisztina home for the weekend, and Anne on a ToD to Ethiopia. Ethiopia is apparently the place to be. Took Wednesday off (socializing). Thursday was also over at Tego's, but this time chilling with Krisztina. Tonight it's out with stillesprite & her brother, and whoever else was invited along.

7:30's late for dinner, but i got off half an hour early today (last day of the pay period, had to take it) so i'll get just a little longer to build up my energy reserves at home. Really screwed with my report, but i didn't take it home, so I'll just not let it bother me this weekend.

....Kind of want a burger.

疲れてるけど, with the doom!, i am angry!, baito, quotes without context, dream, sleep, socializing ftw

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