city burning in sunset

Mar 03, 2009 17:41

Yesterday I made okonomiyaki using regular all-purpose flour and some vietnamese potato flour that they'd intended for deep fried shrimp cakes of some sort. Because of this, it came with a secret bag of turmeric at the top, and I accidentally broke the seal so it spilled. I tasted the stuff and my first instinctive reaction was OMG YOU JUST ( Read more... )

food, why yes i am a bitch, nikki no baka, food=幸せ, eigo, baito, quotes without context, bakanakoto, with the random

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Comments 17

ginzarhapsody March 3 2009, 23:19:48 UTC
wimp. i used to manage ALL THE CONFERENCE ROOMS in my office. my calender would've made your calender look like a preschooler. :P

what the hell did he do to the jam? o.o


anamuan March 3 2009, 23:26:18 UTC
it's not managing. it's things i have to attend. i turn off the calendars for the conference rooms, the feds' schedules, and the out of office unless i need one right at that second.

it's goooooood. high quality french jam. i don't even know what fruit it is.


pixisticks March 4 2009, 03:03:22 UTC


anamuan March 4 2009, 04:11:05 UTC

i hear you have fic.


pixisticks March 4 2009, 04:11:44 UTC
Er. Who told you that.


anamuan March 4 2009, 04:30:49 UTC
a little bird.


therelic March 4 2009, 04:27:29 UTC
Wait, so it spilled all over the potato flour, rendering it inedible? 'Cause that would suck.

I have no words for your calendar, only laughter.


anamuan March 4 2009, 04:31:22 UTC
no, the potato flour was still sealed. and i'm sure it would be edible, since it's a spice and all.

:\\ ihu.


therelic March 4 2009, 19:35:18 UTC
I love you, too.


anamuan March 5 2009, 03:07:57 UTC
there is no love.


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