city burning in sunset

Mar 03, 2009 17:41

Yesterday I made okonomiyaki using regular all-purpose flour and some vietnamese potato flour that they'd intended for deep fried shrimp cakes of some sort. Because of this, it came with a secret bag of turmeric at the top, and I accidentally broke the seal so it spilled. I tasted the stuff and my first instinctive reaction was OMG YOU JUST INGESTED A POISON CHEMICAL DESIGNED TO KEEP MOSTURE OUT. RINSE YOUR MOUTH! RINSE YOUR MOUTH!!

random person: Hey, Guam is down.

I have an ID badge now! It doesn't work yet. :\
It's just a contingency badge between fingerprint checks and the background check. But at least come tomorrow (hopefully) I'll be able to go to the bathroom by myself.

Today I explained to Nancy Bi. (there are way too many Nancys in this office. i can't even say Nancy B) what an mp3 was. She was like DO I NEED AN MP3 PLAYER TO LISTEN?? on her computer. It was cute.

Whoever wrote the user manual I'm proofing never learned how to use commas properly. There were lots of times that sentences badly in need of commas were just AWOL, and the occasional instance where there was a random comma in the middle of a sentence for no apparent reason. Maybe they got lost. Poor little lost commas.
In related news, passive voice is exhausting.

Why aren't there thirteen 28-day months + a 1-2 day transition at the end? Then we would have Octember and Soups.

oh. dear. god.

My apartment's former french tenant has ruined me for cheap jam. I don't even know.

food, why yes i am a bitch, nikki no baka, food=幸せ, eigo, baito, quotes without context, bakanakoto, with the random

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