and i've never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball

Oct 28, 2008 23:28

in va. ballston is so benri!

got in around noon, and got spare keys from krisztina. she was adorable, shivering outside, telling me the entire contents of the fridge (so i could help myself). Dad helped me bring my bag up, and then i said goodbye and sent him back before the snow up in the mountains had a chance to get crazy.

kitsune714: It doesn't take me ( Read more... )

疲れてるけど, 寂しがりやじゃない, quotes without context, please let me live through this week, teh internets = my sanity, food, other people's awesome, idiotic is my new hobby, america, my god is an awesome god, mi familia, why aren't you kidding?, weather, posts of oblique references, sleep, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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Comments 15

sanctified_x October 29 2008, 05:20:27 UTC
snow. :x


anamuan October 29 2008, 05:23:33 UTC
there was snow in the mountains! not on the road, though. just in the grass, so.


sanctified_x October 29 2008, 05:24:46 UTC
at least you were on the inside


anamuan October 29 2008, 05:29:52 UTC
tru dat


thawrecka October 29 2008, 07:08:47 UTC
America seems like such a strange place.


anamuan October 29 2008, 16:21:28 UTC
well, this is a DC thing.


kitsune714 October 29 2008, 23:34:52 UTC
anamuan October 30 2008, 01:16:25 UTC
apparently after dad dropped me off and went back, he ran into a full-on blizzard. :\\\\

XDDD rainbow expressway is such a good way to put it.


kitsune714 October 30 2008, 01:22:18 UTC
anamuan October 30 2008, 01:36:43 UTC
he did. he told me himself jokingly when i called home today. (he got back um, about a month ago? the day before i left new york.)

lol i will definitely credit you when i use it.


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