and i've never painted daisies on a big red rubber ball

Oct 28, 2008 23:28

in va. ballston is so benri!

got in around noon, and got spare keys from krisztina. she was adorable, shivering outside, telling me the entire contents of the fridge (so i could help myself). Dad helped me bring my bag up, and then i said goodbye and sent him back before the snow up in the mountains had a chance to get crazy.

kitsune714: It doesn't take me much to go from point A to point Homo, but in many ways, it's like High School Musical is MAKING IT TOO EASY.

had leftover arugala pizza that looked a bit like salad got knocked over onto a cheese pizza, but actually tasted really good. and took a nap because i got about 5 hours of car!sleep (which is never very good), and maybe 2 hours of sleep in bed before dad had woken me up? less than.

went to meet tego (and clara) on campus and headed over to dupont for the annual drag race. Patrick of the Red Hair was running, so stillesprite had looked up info and said we should probably get there by 7 since we're short. Race started at 9. stillesprite called Tego and said she was feeling quite ill and wouldn't be making it after all, but tego clara and i got there around 7. we were starving, but managed to get quite close to the front, so we opted to eat later. Krisztina joined us around 7:30 (two of her office-mates were running. they were in camo, with sparkly camo make-up made from eyeliner, and had signs. One set read: Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The other had a conviently placed hole and read 'Pulling out of Iraq' in English and Arabic). And so basically we stood there shivering until the race started. Depending on how thick the crush of people was, sometimes it wasn't that cold, but by the end, you're just cold and tired (and hungry). Some of the outfits were really amazing though. There was this one with a swarm of butterflies around her head like a crown or something. It was really awesome. I don't think i got a good picture and I'm sad. There was a faun with a very nice stomach, chest, hips, ass (all bare. He was probably freezing and furry legs, a little tail that made his butt take-in-public-able, and a fake penis hanging down in front). Um, there were a Texas cult, pregnant and carrying babies and a couple of child abuse officers or whatever who were dressed such that i would not leave them alone with any child. Um. Tego got some massive tits shaken in her face. There were a couple of Chers, some political ones, princess Di. It was just a lot of fun, and some people put so much effort into their outfits it was really cool.

We also got to see the mayor.

Then, after, when we were meeting up with Krisztina's friends from work, I got a call from stillesprite saying she'd felt better and came after all and would we like to meet up, but they were going the opposite direction than we were and the cold and tired and hungry, so we just went home. Matt and Dave were nice. and may never get their make-up off XD

疲れてるけど, 寂しがりやじゃない, quotes without context, please let me live through this week, teh internets = my sanity, food, other people's awesome, idiotic is my new hobby, america, my god is an awesome god, mi familia, why aren't you kidding?, weather, posts of oblique references, sleep, socializing ftw, unproductive is my tokugi

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