had the most wonoderful sandwich today, a mozzarella & tomato (roasted and fresh, + tomato pesto & fresh basil) panini from panera bread.
and then for dinner, krisztina made squash soup. good all around.
the science of food. err, sort of.
tagged by
yamapea 1) How has LJ changed your life?
I've met a lot of awesome people. I wrote a lot of fic. I wouldn't have done either.
2) What do you do before bedtime?
flist, check email, watch tv with mom (tea, and generally food), talk to
sanctified_x and often
shatteredinu 3) What would be your last dinner?
tacos over rice. mmmm. (i want something i know i'll like, and that i'm typically too lazy to make for myself, so i don't get it often)
4) What is the ONE place you want to go before you die if you had the money and the time?
Europe, all over, because I haven't yet, and Africa takes too many shots, and South America hasn't interested me since i had to reports in middle school spanish class.
5) What scares you?
atm, writing cover letters. more generally, SPIDERS.
6) What do you do in your free time?
err, going out with friends, staying in with friends, teh internets, playing with my sister(s), watching tv with mom.
7) If you could speak another language (meaning one you currently don't know), what would it be?
8) What personal belonging do you have everywhere you go?
um, nothing.
9) What was your favorite song or musical group when you were young?
The O.C. Supertones.
10) Are you a risk taker?
Not really.
11) How do you want to be remembered?
idk however i am (remembered).
12) Where do you see yourself in ten years?
i don't know. wherever i happen to be. my personal philosophies discourage long-term plans.
13) If you could spend one day with any celebrity, who would it be?
Yeah, i pick Nakamaru ♥
14) What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Very sweet. A good person.
15) Would you rather be single & rich or married but poor?
16) How many children do you want to have, if any?
i don't know. birth seems traumatic. but if i have kids, i want at least 2, preferable 3.
17) What's better - to give or to receive?
to whom? 私には相手が大事だ。
18) Hottest place you've ever hooked up with someone?
i don't think there are any particularly hot places.
19) Would you have 100% safe sex with a stranger for $10,000,000?
Depends on the stranger.
20) What are you looking forward to most in the next six months?
sending out christmas cards.
edit: oh i think i was supposed to tag people.
sillyandmorbid &
went to the practice NWAV talks tonight on campus. 3 tonight, there's another slew on friday, but i don't think i'll be going to them. They all did decently well, and the content was interesting.