I'm guessing Helen doesn't have very many neat points.
Violet broke the tv. Thank god they had some books about woohoo to keep her entertained while Elliot was fixing it.
This chick just walked in like she owned the place. I think her name is Dorothy.
Minnie grew up!
Lizzie and Ryan obviously have something against Jane. Poor thing.
I wasn't going to send Juno to college, because I wasn't sure if she was eligible to be heir... but I've grown to like her a lot, so here she goes. Not that I necessarily want to see her noselessness in future generations, so please don't vote her but we don't want to be unfair, do we?
And here she is as a young adult.
Elliot and Dorothy instantly hit it off.
Helen was quite impressed by her and Felix's date at the coffee shop.
I had to expand the house a bit to make room for Helen's gift.
Elliot first tested it by himself...
And then with Violet.
Just when things were about to get really exciting...
Violet: No.
As you can see, Felix and Juno weren't getting any action either.
She still likes to hang around the house in her underwear.
Elliot wasn't going to give up...
I guess it's still a 'no'.
Elliot: :(
She'd rather do an assignment in the bathroom. Okay then...
...moving on. This is Teresa.
They had a really lovely time. And two bolts.
Violet doesn't approve.
Elliot graduated!
Elliot moved into the sim bin, so then it was just Felix and Juno.
Felix met professor Lydia at class, and later invited her over...
Inappropriate, maybe, but their date was a success.
Next time we'll find out if Felix and Juno manage to graduate as well.
Stay tuned for heir poll... And sorry about the boring update.