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1.4 Synchronized eating.
Now that the kids are a bit older Lizzie and Ryan actually have some time for each other.
(No, there are absolutely no more babies in the making here.)
Still, he housework never ends...
After paying the bills they had about §30, so it's still a bit tight financially...
Lizzie had nothing to do.
At least there's the telescope.
Oh, look, it's Ada.
Ada & random girl #1: High five!!!!!
Oh thank god.
Ada & random girl #2: High five!!!!!
Can you guess the first thing they bought with Ryan's promotion bonus?
Can you guess why the kids aren't doing so great in school?
Ada making herself useful.
Ada & Lily: High five!!!!
At least she's trying for once.
If that fire had actually destroyed something I would have been pretty angry.
(And everyone else would have been bored. And Ryan wouldn't have been able to
get more promotions, so they would have been even more broke.) Thankfully it didn't.
Good to know. I suppose.
And then it was Lily's birthday.
Don't you just love these craptacular base game outfits? ♥
It was also Rory's birthday, so we'll just have to live with the horrendous outfit for a moment.
She's a Luca clone.
Lily after her birthday makeover.
And Rory.
Evelyn stopped by.
Clones eating.
Lily's toaster pastries weren't exactly a huge success.
Painting in your underwear in other people's house is a perfectly normal activity.
That's how she feels about Ryan. And still hangs at his house 24/7? WTH, Evelyn.
And that's how Lily feels about Evelyn's body odour.
Evelyn's stink ball.
They have a second floor now!
And here's how glorious it looks:
Clones playing.
The kids wanted a womrat so they got one. It's called Poop.
Aaaaand, the twins grow up:
They needed new outfits too:
Poor Lily's fun was in the red. She never wants to watch tv, so I'm having a hard time finding
entertainment for her. She keeps wanting to buy a drum kit or a bass, but adding a second
floor to the house ate all their money.
Oh well, maybe one day...