My first real sucks

Aug 30, 2009 21:32

Ahhh ~ ! Love sucks big time. Especially when it's your first. Yes, ladies and gents it's Ashley's story of First Love ( Read more... )

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Comments 14

ohnasyer August 31 2009, 02:13:08 UTC
Aaaaaahhhhhh~ *huggles*

In our life, heartbreaks do happen. But I believe those will only make us more mature, and help us grow up. "Those who have not feel pain have not yet live." =)

As for me, I have this thing where I'm scared of commitments. Especially doing long distance relationships. I'll back out, coz I know it wouldn't work. I don't even want to try. Sounds stupid, right? So I've had my fair share of heartbreaks. TT^TT

...once I had this relationship with a guy 7 years older than I am and it ends badly >.< All he wanted was to settle down, build a family, live happily ever after. But me, I was only 17 at that time. I still have a long (not necessarily bright though XD) future ahead of me. There are still many things I want to achieve. So I back out, which hurts. So freaking bad. Especially now that he already find someone who's willing to sacrifice her future for him.

*huggles* Don't worry, ne Riidaa? We'll get through this together. There will always be a nice weather after the clouds =)


amtopm_xx August 31 2009, 02:28:59 UTC
Ahh Kumori Nochi Kaisei ~ That's right

Gosh 7 years older than you?? lol That's crazy. Thanks for your words, Aiba-chan. Friends like you make me feel much better *nodnod*


heartilly26 August 31 2009, 02:25:47 UTC
aww first loves almost always suck but thats why they're our first love, so we can take what happened and learn from it. its gonna suck for a really long time but it'll get better over time (yah i know its cliche and i hated hearing it when i was going through my first love but its true). and not that im taking sides but he's right you shouldn't wait for something that might not happen. i waited and it hurt like hell when it "ended" and now that i look back at it i feel like an idiot waiting for something that just couldn't be.
*hugs* it'll be ok just numb the pain with arashi crack and get a good night's sleep and you'll start to feel a bit better. as you can tell me and nash are here for yah ^^V


amtopm_xx August 31 2009, 02:34:26 UTC
You two are so awesome. Aiba-chan ~ Jun-chan ~ *huggles you both*

Yeah, first loves are hard =[ Didn't think it'd be so bad. But it's gotta happen at some point. Just wish it hadn't been someone so seemingly perfect -_-


heartilly26 August 31 2009, 02:47:55 UTC
i forgot where i read or heard this but someone once said we go through all of these hardships with love so when we find "the one" we'll appreciate and cherish him/her a lot more. maybe that's something to help put things in perspective when the respective sulking stage is coming to a close ^_^


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amtopm_xx August 31 2009, 02:35:23 UTC
=D 3 of my 4 best friends ^_^ You're all amazing. Thanks for the comforting words so quickly.


all4cyanide August 31 2009, 03:18:38 UTC
Aww. Well it's good to have heartbreaks, it allows us to grow and change. It's good that he was kind enough to not lead you on. God does have someone special for each one of us. I had broken up with a guy after losing interest and I told God that I would wait for him to give me the right guy at the right time. I had a dream later on that I would marry a Native American guy (which is nuts b/c pure Native Americans are RARE). However, about 6 months later, I met my boyfriend who is 100% Navajo. It was nuts. We've been together for 3 years now. ^^ Don't worry, hun! You'll love again. At least you had the guts to express your feelings instead of wondering "what if.." later on!

Ugh. I rambled. Sorry.


amtopm_xx August 31 2009, 12:35:47 UTC
=] Wow in the end it's just a matter of waiting and being patient for the person God has for you ^_^

It still sucks tho. The heartache that is. But I am glad I confessed. I don't regret doing it at all.


happyhapee August 31 2009, 04:01:46 UTC
That guy is very nice indeed. *hugs you*


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